Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rememberances of President Bill Clinton

Tonight brought back a lot of remembrances of the Clinton Era. One thing I was thinking about as he was speaking was 1992-2012. He was elected 20 years ago. I thought about where I was in life and the years that came between. Our children of course where twenty years younger. When he first took office rough times came. Not as hard as now but people were loosing their homes and the economy was scary. It wasn't normal to see stores go out of business like it is now. And it was rough times for the Meyer's.

Talk radio for conservatives was just beginning with Rush Limbaugh and he was the rage. And the air waves were full of Clintonian phrases. And we wondered what we were in for after eight years with Reagan. I tried to explain to our children the differences between Clinton and Reagan.

There were some firsts with Clinton, never before had a president ever been called by his first name. Never before had we had a presidents wife so included in her husbands presidency. Never before had we been told so much about their private lives. Especially that only after a few days in the White House Hillary had thrown a lamp at BILL. Evidently he told her he was going to have to raise taxes when he had pledged no tax increases. They were quick to release it was their lamp not the White House's. Then there was the discussion that they had separate bedrooms. BILL had to announce that he stayed up late and she couldn't get her sleep. This kind of stuff went on for eight years.

The speech tonight was typical Clintonian, but peppered with the Obama phrases that Clinton has swallowed. We must have a share economy. Not enough time to finish what Obama needs to do. One phrase I noticed he has put us on the LONG road to recovery. And one phrase I actually liked "We can't afford to double down on triple down." It is said he has been reading the speech to Hillary for the last two days.  He actually hand wrote the speech himself and left the teleprompter many times which made the speech longer.

All in all it was enjoyable, and brought back some good memories. This is the seventh time Clinton has addressed the Democratic convention. He and Obama walked together leaving the stage.

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