Sunday, September 16, 2012

What's Netanyahu All Up In Arms About? Could It Be A New Iranian Missle?

What is Netanyahu all so fired up about? And why won't the president meet with him? Could it be about a new Iranian missile called the Meshkat that can be launched from sea, land and air? It has a range of 2,000 kilometers. It can easily reach Jerusalem. IRGC chief {commander of Islamic Revolution Guards Corp} said if Israel attacks nothing will remain in Israel. The IRGC chief also says that the U.S. will not support Israels military action.

This is why Netanyahu is calling for a red line. But the president told 1,200 American Rabi's "No leader ties his hand." Again on Sunday Netanyahu calls for a red line. Jerusalem post said U.S. president said on Friday he was unwilling to impose "a set of conditions" on how he would handle Iran's nuclear issue.

I don't know about you, but I am pretty concerned about Obama's inaction on this. By mid-2013 Iran will be 90% of the way to an enriched nuclear bomb. Netanyahu told Meet the Press today, Iran is 6-7 months away from a nuclear bomb. If the president won't come to Netanyahu, he will come to the American people. Is this any way to approach a serious problem looming in our hands? You have to go on TV to let people know what is going on? Is this the Obama doctrine?

Netanyahu, "you have to place that red line before them now. "Iran states that they will bring in the other Muslims nations to destroy Israel. Your lead from behind position won't work on this one President Obama. You need to talk to Netanyahu now, before it is too late.

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