Saturday, September 22, 2012

Our Battle For The Free Internet - Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Well, for once we have unity between Dems and Republicans on keeping our Internet free. Freedom of speech, freedom from taxes and freedom from censorship. But if we have Russia and many other nations joining them taking the Internet under the U.N and under the International Telecommunications Union we can kiss Internet freedom good by.

As I mentioned a few days ago President Obama wants to sign an executive order giving the executive branch of our country control over the Internet. Napolitano said on Wednesday that it is being prepared. And as usual there are many hidden parts we have not even seen yet. Like the health care bill we'll have to read them later to know what is in the bill. By then it is too late.

The one carrying the banner is our friend Putin himself. Congress suspects other nations are wanting to shackle people with taxes and censorship. We believe one of Putin's efforts is to stop dissent over the Internet so he can keep control of his people,

So on Saturday the Senate unanimously adopted a resolution denouncing foreign nations from having control of key functions of the Internet.

Marco Rubio and Dem. Sen Claire McCaskill together introduced a measure in June opposing the U.N. takeover of the Internet. Senate Foreign Relations Committee approval of Rubio's and McCaskill's bill follows a House approval of a simular resolution during the summer.

Putin has called for "international control over the Internet using the monitoring and supervisory capabilities of ITU{International Telecommunications Union.}

Marco Rubio - I just want to be clear that America is on record as being in favor of Internet freedom and that we don't want to see any internationally recognized right for government interference on the Internet and the free flow of information on the Internet."

John Kerry - We're facing off against those who want the world's approval to balkanize the Internet into countries where government can censure speech or impose new taxes on the transmission of information across national boundaries,"

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