Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Are the Unions Seperating from the Democrats? First Day of the Democratic Convention

Here we are just hours before the convention and the debt clock just clicked 16 Trillion. Who will pay this.? Our children and our grandchildren. Who are we fighting for? Us, no for them as Obama has put a huge burden on our precious treasures.  Who could go for 4 more years of  this kind of indebtedness.

One group pulling out may be to our surprise the unions. They are pulling out of this election. And many like the AFL-CIO are giving - 0, yes nothing to Obama for this convention. Maybe that is why every stop they go to they preach to the unions. Union activists are not happy with Obama, nor with the choice of Charlotte, North Carolina a right-to-work state.

In 2008 organized labor gave 8.3 million to the Denver convention. The final totals aren't in yet, but it's way down in Charlotte. Charlotte put a ban on collective bargaining for teachers and public workers.

But the main reason is because of Obama has not taken a stand and remaining quiet during the last four years. In fact Julius Getman ,of University ofTexas School of Law, said "His lack of support has been stunning." "He talks a pretty good game, but he has not been good, and hasn't said what he will do."

AFLCIO President Richard Trumpka is even stronger and will not be bringing a large staff to the convention. In fact in a statement he made May 30th Trumpka said "Before we used to build everyone else's structure. Now we build our own." He continued to comment to expect these changes, more door to door work, less TV ads, more towards building their own independent political infrastructure and most important less towards candidates coffer's. This certainly is seen more this week and why Obama seems to be driving himself towards more union votes.

Some people are calling for a third party, a labor party. Kevin Digs of Industrial Works of the World said at a rally "He's done nothing for labor...during the recalling of Gov. Walker, he didn't do a thing."

This just shows some more of the division the president has driven this country to. He came in as a uniter, but has been anything but, dividing friend and neighbor, son and daughter and even the closest of friends. And for some the work place has been the worst. He has not been a uniter, but a divider of the worst kind and the unions give even clearer evidence of this.

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