Friday, September 21, 2012

Obama Opposses His Own National Security Staff on Libyan Attack Was Terrorism

Until today I was still thinking maybe the president could be right, but now he disagrees with his own staff and their intelligence report. Also conclusive evidence that there was knowledge at DHS that an attack was coming before September 11th. Napolitano's finger prints are all over it. Napolitano should have called the president and arrangement made for security of the ambassador. Obama got his three o'clock call and slept through it.

For over a week now the president has claimed the film "Innocence of Muslims" was the blame for the protests. Now more and more evidence is coming forth that terrorism is painted all over it.

Yet the president blindly refuses to believe the truth. Is there any doubt why the president has failed in foreign policy? And puts more significance to his statement "you can't change Washington from the inside."

Evidence poured before the president clearly shows the attack was with heavy weapons,  the largeness of the attacking force, and how easily and quickly they were able to get to the Ambassador.

While the president is in denial the world protests against him. Maybe they have come to their senses and are seeing through him as we have been. We have now survived under four years of misery. Carter had his misery index and we are at our misery precipice  hanging over a debt cliff.

So here we are with the president contradicting his own national security staff. And the evidence is also mounting that there were reports that Egyptians were going after the U.S. embassy,  DHS report released Sept 11 "unidentified user"  posted this statement "inciting Egyptians to target U.S. embassy, indicating the U.S. Embassy shouldn't remain in Egypt." That's clear as day to me.

Here another message to DHS September 9th " the time has come for a strong movement from you, O sons of Egypt,  to release the detained" {sheikh}. Were were you Napolitano? What did you do with these messages?  There were all kinds of signals, the president was asleep at the wheel and has driven us into a mess that will take years to clean up.

Maybe these are some of the reasons troops are coming home from Afghanistan, not in victory, but because we have not done what we needed to do. Is it the troops fault. No, we have the best trained and equipped troops in the world. It is leadership, and lack thereof. In fact the election is coming down to the president's failed leadership in every area of his office.

Like Clint Eastwood said Mr. President " It's Time to Go."

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