Thursday, September 13, 2012

Days Are Getting Darker, Be Not Afraid

Today was a day of darkness and tomorrow maybe darker. Military in Cairo vollied tear gas at rioters from trucks to protect the American embassy. Tomorrow more protest are called for from the Muslim Brotherhood. Reporters exclaimed it was a bloody day for the protesters.

Four protesters died in Yemen outside our embassy.

Hillary gave a slow strange speech decrying again the film was not from America.

The White House tried to back away from Obama's mistake the day before calling Egypt not an ally.

The anti-Muhammad You Tube clip is banned but there are still videos of it on the Internet.

Questions of what happened to ambassador Stevens disappearance for 8 hours and then reappearance.

UK Press states US state Department had 48 hours knowledge of an attack coming before charge on consulate.

Sensitive documents were stolen from the embassy, some telling names of Libyans who are helping the US.

It is times like this that shake you and make you wonder what is going on. Basically what is going on is a revolt against the US President Barak Obama by the Middle East. Many have said of late that the president was disengaging America from the Middle East. Questions have been coming from foreign countries "What is Wrong with America? "Why are they pulling back?"

This is how our allies feel at this time abandoned, left by one of the greatest countries on earth America.

The President isn't getting daily military or intelligent briefings from his advisors. He hasn't called his jobs committee since January. He has no time for Natenyahu, leader of Israel.

And the question arises, Where is President Obama and what is he doing?

Be not fearful, we are in God's hands. Everything is always in His control. Keep looking to Him and God will lead us through this. My friends, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:6&7 How many times in my life it felt like I was walking in darkness, when all the time God was leading me. I could see no light and wondered what it was all about. God will protect us from the evil one and bring us to the light. Just trust in Him.

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