Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Why Doesn't Rahn Eamanuel Talk to Chicago Owner Joe Ricketts?

It's been all over the air waves for several months now about the rift between Joe Ricketts and the Mayor. The problem, Joe Ricketts would like help for funding in the renovation of Cub's Ball Park. Sounds like an OK idea, but right now Rahm will not return Mr Ricketts calls. The reason, Mr Ricketts is a Romney supporter. Many have said that it is wrong for the mayor to put politics before the people of Chicago. Some have even gone to say the Mayor is breaking the law in not returning the calls.

Last Thursday, Mr Ricketts announced his PAC Ending Spending will put $10,000,000 dollars worth of ads running against Obama. The ads will include people who voted for Obama but are now disenchanted with him. Also some of the ads will include the Rev. Jeremiah Wright making a return of 2008 clips of his rantings. For this Romney draws the line. He says" I want to make it very clear, I repudiate that effort." "I think it's the wrong cause for a PAC campaign."  "I hope that our campaigns can respectively be about the future and about the vision for America."

With all in's and out's of this the ads will go on. Mr. Ricketts is fairly new to the world of politics, but feels very strongly about the spending in Washington. He is a billionaire philanthropist and hates earmarks.

Once an Democrat, then a Republican Joe Ricketts now carries the independent banner.

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