Tuesday, September 25, 2012

President's UN Speech 'This Is A Season of Progress"

Sometimme's I wonder really where is this President in his thinking. He said  "this is a season of progress." When the Arab Spring began I had hopes of democracies springing up and a people freed from dictators. Obama praised the progress in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. "Around the Globe, people are making their voices heard, insisting on their innate dignity, and the right to determine their future."

The President touted what has happened in the Middle East and would have you to think everything is grand and democracies are building and thriving throughout the Middle East. He once told a crowd 'I have a gift" referring to his way with words and rousing a crowd. But, behind those words Mr. President are tears and bloodshed.

Tears in Egypt, Mr President, where the Muslim Brotherhood has taken over and the Egyptians find themselves with a worse leader than they had and now under Sharia Law.

Tears in Libya as a country that struggles in poverty and divisive groups wanting to control the government. We have made little effort in showing and tutoring them in the hows and means of setting up a democracy.The one who was there to help didn't even have proper coverage for his life. He selflessly gave his life, and for that American's should be humbled and proud.

Tears in Syria, the country the President barely mentioned, that we have done little except provide food for 3 million who are now nearing hunger with a dark winter before them. With 27,000 people who have now died while the Security Council remains divided.

France's UN Ambassador Geraud Araud say's 'the Security Council has not been as paralyzed as it is today since the end of the Cold War." He also said it is essential that we support the democratic opposition in Syria. Meaning Russia and China forcing a gridlock while thousands perish.

As the President mentioned this morning our goal is regime change which Russia and China believe with Assad gone there will be a takeover of Syria by Islamist radicals.

Now would have been a great time Mr. President to meet with all these countries, at a time of unrest, fear and even some talking of a world war. Now was your time to use your "gift' to call the Security Council to unite for the sake of life. But no, Mr. President, you have chosen for the sake of politics lest you say something to hurt your campaign, you have chosen not to talk to the countries leaders. You should have stood up for the one who gave his life and said we will not allow anyone to hurt our own. You should have pleaded with Russia and China to reach some sort of compromise, but no, Mr.President, you chose the View instead. Sometimes I really wonder what this President is thinking.     A concerned American

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