Thursday, September 20, 2012

Obama Takes Over the Internet with Executive Order On Cybersecurity Bill

You go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow and the government controls the Internet. Our Internet is free and devoid of control by the government, but not after Obama signs this order. And what is worse we don't even know the secret parts of this bill. The White House is close to completion of the Cybersecurity Bill. With this bill the executive branch will have authority over the Internet.

Janet Napolitano said Wednesday in a hearing the bill is still being drafted. Dave Carney said a few months ago "this bill will go through."

This bill will be based on the failed bill of Joe Lieberman and Republican Susan Collins.

The executive order would put the federal agencies in charge of industries like power companies and utilities. The bill will mandate cybersecurity recommendations. You think your gas bill is high now, wait til this bill is signed.

It is another act of Obama administration to overstep it's power and authority.

We do not even know what is in the secret parts of this bill. I guess we have to read the bill once we see the bill after it is signed.

If you are tired of this presidents intrusion into our lives by executive orders and now the Internet you must go out and vote on Nov.6th. The time has come to put a stop to Obamas reckless spending and overriding the authority of his power in the oval office. The balance of power truly is out of balance and not what the forefather's had in mind. It's time to go Mr. President.

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