Thursday, September 6, 2012

"He Rode In On A Unicorn and Is Riding Out On A Donkey" Jonah Goldberg - National Review

I had to laugh today when Mr. Goldberg said this to Megyn on Fox in the afternoon. The contrast is striking when you see him elevated amongst Greek pillars at Invesco Field in Denver viewing 80,000 followers and a crowd of 15,000 tonight with paper streamers coming down.

I hope I don't get in trouble for writing this, but how can you not see  the difference.  Then tonight this elusive speech that has little substance, but sounds good until you think, but what did he say? Well, he can't say much. Look at the figures - not good. Median income fell $4,000 a year for the middle class family since 2008. The Nation is 16 Trillion in debt, 43 million on food stamps, 23.5 people unemployed or underemployed. Can he say anything about that ? No.

So, can't mention the economy. Let's try foreign experience, except for helping to establish a fly zone for the ravaged country of Lybia the rest of the Arab spring Nations suffered with little help or leadership on our part. Syria is wore torn, ravaged and people have been brutally killed. Did we listen or turn a ear? No
What about Iran? Except for a few sanctions, Iran has pretty much gone about doing what they wanted to do. Israel?  The President for some reason hasn't even visited Israel.

So, what was left for Biden to talk about? Bin Laden and GM motors. Here V.P. Biden failed to mention GM still owes us 25 Billion dollars. Not counting the dealerships that failed and lost jobs that occurred in the bailout. Will we ever see that? Remains to be seen. And who wants to remember the BP spill we watched day after day, with businesses that are still trying to recover because the cleanup took so long.

It is a pretty dismal record. But if he has just some more time. If we give him one more chance, he can do it. Can we trust him with four more years? The once enchanted have now become the disenchanted. How much more deeper in debt can we go? Economic reports coming out tomorrow and  we don't expect to see much improvement.

I say, Mr President. you've had your chance. We gave you the reins and you have led us down a dark path with no end in sight. Mr. President you have not earned the right to a second term. Time to turn your time card in and the airplane too. It's time for a change, a real change. Hope you don't mind.

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