Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Remembrance of 9-11 A Day I Can't Forget

 This day is instilled in our minds and hearts, it will be something one can never forget. How can one forget airplanes going into buildings. People wandering through the streets of New York with a picture.
Hoping somehow their loved one would reappear, but knowing in their heart their loved one was gone. It was a scene never before seen on American soil.

Our country was struck hard and we were devastated. The grief overwhelming. A day we cannot and must not forget.

A lot has happened since that day. Two wars fought. Final justice for bin Laden. Twice as many of our military have made the ultimate sacrifice as who died that day. They have tried to make our world safer. There are no words for what they have done for us.

September 11th changed our lives and our world. Many people have said America will never be the same. I think they are right.

Thank you to those who have given their time and even lives for us.
Thank you, God for your protection of America. May you always be our light and guide through these trying times.

God Bess America

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