Thursday, September 27, 2012

CIA Is Pulled Out Of Libya After Attack

The CIA has called back about a dozen personal out of Eastern Libya. They were evacuated after the US Consulate in Benghazi was attacked and four American's were killed. Former CIA official's have called out disapproval saying it was overly cautious. Debate was made on how much should a CIA officier assume in a dangerous situation.

Critics argue important information has been delayed on an important intelligence operation. The CIA's mission in Lybia is to identify and track extremist militants and searching for surface to air missiles that are missing from Gadhafi after being toppled last year.

According to the Chicago Tribune there are still FBI agents left in Benghazi that listen to phone calls, hack email traffic, conduct overhead surveillance and spy in Libya. But the report says face to face meetings are the best way to get information.

CIA former official says "If you've got 10 or 12 guys living in a house in eastern Libya somewhere that's a target, and there's no way 10 or 12 guys are going to hold off a militia" 'Our tendency has been , if there is a problem, we pull out. Yes, we have staying plans, but we rarely exercise those kinds of plans because of the risks."

A former CIA officier says" it should be possible for CIA to operate relatively safely in Libya by traveling with small teams with Arabic officers. He continued to say "Look the risks are somebody could get killed. Somebody could get grabbed.  There could be terrible videos on the Internet. This is the job. This is what we do. If we are going to be relevant in a place like Libya, we're going to have to take the risk."

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