Sunday, September 9, 2012

Second Anniversary Of Our Dad's Passing

When I started this blog is was about a family going through a recession and a new President with ideas that seemed to lean towards socialism. I was scared for my family and friends around me. In the midst of that recession we lost our father and husband. So I included what had happened to us as part of  my writings.

Two years have past and I wish he were here so I could share with him all the things that have happened, at home and in the country. It has been a hard time for all Americans and sometimes you wonder how can the American people take any more. Stretched to the limits on gas and food prices and hearing that even these might increase.

I was feeling a little sorry for myself when my son came in and said, Mom, Dad's doing better than us, he's in a much better place." And he's right heaven can't compare to here on earth.  I am glad we instilled these kind of virtues in our children. I am glad when they show their faith in times like these.

And it is these values that carry us through in times like this. These same values are the values that will carry our country along. These are hard times. One theme that came up in both conventions is the value of hard work. V.P. Joe Biden said "A job is more that money." He went on to explain that a job gives a person self worth, it brings dignity and pride. I agree completely.

 During this time I also have been out of work. It can make you feel worthless and give you the feeling you have failed. But we haven't, there are 23.5 million others who are in the same boat. Sometimes you feel desperate and scared. We were told in the numbers on Friday over 360,000 people just gave up looking for a job. I am trying not to be one of those numbers.

The country is in bad shape. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor is not going to correct this downturn. So far this seems to be the crux of the President's plan. I do pray for him and other leaders in Congress.

We need a strong man for president, one who understands values, integrity and strength to do the job. Most important, we need a president who is willing to work with the other side. The old saying divided we fall, united we stand still prevails. If the congress remains divided we will fall, united we will stand. The country will not succeed unless the leadership is united. America needs to be united again.

Recently four Secretary of State's of our country made a statement together. Condi Rice, Henry Kissingger, James Baker and George Schults. "WE cannot be a strong American presence, if we are not strong economically." These four recommended Romney for president.

I am praying for America, it's economy, it's presence in the world, but most important for it's people to stand for values, integrity, and strength. May Abraham's Lincoln's words ring in our ears "A house divided against itself CANNOT STAND."

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