Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Michelle Delivered Great Speech But Obama Still Has Failed

Michelle delivered a great speech in defence of her husband. She started out talking about their humble beginnings. The car with rust holes you could see through, the table taken from a dumpster and shoes too small for him to wear. She spoke about what she saw in him that caused her to marry him.

The pulse of her message was delivered passionately and with each point being another step to build her defense of his accomplishments. It was masterfully delivered.

However, her speech cannot protect him from the mistakes he has made during this four years, and the lack of leadership he has provided. I know from having a husband who also was in public service, it's hard to see the mistakes and lacking in leadership. Now looking back I can see clearer there were times he failed, and times he succeeded

But, this president has failed. He has failed in creating jobs partially because he has muzzled the small businessman with too man taxes, rules and over regulations. He has muzzled the ox that is pulling this economy. Nearly half the people who are employed are employed by small businesses.

He has crippled energy growth  by not drilling for oil, and buying our oil from foreign countries even giving them money to drill  oils wells, not wanting the the pipeline, and closing and not letting new coal mines open.

He has not worked across the isle as Michell has stated and has not made one phone call this year to the other side. Is it any wonder Washington is stalemated.

I look forward to hearing President Clinton tonight. I wish Obama would take lessens from him and reach out to the republicans and work with them. Look what was accomplished when that happened. Someone needs to get Washington working again or we will lose the American people and their confidence.

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