Friday, December 28, 2012

Are we Heading over the Cliff??

Well, the last word we heard last week was that the President rejected Boehner's Plan B. Which reminded me of my husband as we were leaving the church after doing something which did not turn out as well as expected to which  I said, "We have to do plan B" and he said "Marna, that was plan B."

Now we hear of a double zammy when it was announced yesterday that  we could hit the debt ceiling on December 31st.

The president is caught in his own calamity when it was his plan to severely reduce the military in order to fend off what is happening now. His wisdom was that the congress would reach some kind of conclusion before what is happening could happen. That they would stalemate and there would be no agreement was not in his calculation.

Yesterday he said that he was hopelessly optimistic that a plan could be reached. It is reported today that the President is offering a scaled back budget as part of the solution.

On top of all this we had a bad report on Christmas sales rates only rising to less than 1% and that in many areas of the country we were at 2008 levels of spending because of falling consumer confidence.

I think with the storm Sandy hitting at the height of the Christmas season and the constant media drum roll of the fiscal cliff, consumers became weary and decided to keep things down as things looked pretty good until  black Friday. What ever caused the let down, it is not good on the economy and sending us unto a questionable winter season.

For our sakes I hope they reach some kind of reasonable agreement and not send us over the cliff because they can't work together. This is one time they have to become grown ups and do the right thing.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"You Can't Legislate Rightrousness" - the Late Dr. Robert Meyer

This is our third Chritsmas without our Dad and Mokena Baptist without their Pastor. Yes, the church has gone on but there are still times of remembrance. One thing I remember my husband saying you can't legislate righteousness. You can't pass laws and expect sin to end. Of course I expect a new gun law controlling these type of guns. And more safety concerns at schools. But that doesn't control the heart of men.

More laws don't really stop the lawless. There is only one who can change a man's way and that is God himself. We have a heart problem in America. We need to be a nation that has a heart for God and to respect his teachings.

There is only one who can change a nation, the Lord Jesus Christ himself. This is the true reason for the season. This is the reason he came to earth. He taught peace, love, forgiveness and a desire to live right.

There is no way to really know what went wrong. A young man from a single parent home who deeply needed something in his life. A mother who struggled most his life to try to help him. Psychiatrists have tried to explain what happened but he needed the Great Physician, the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Jesus was the greatest physician who came to earth. The gospel of John says at the end that books could not contain all the healing works he did on earth.

What can change a heart? God reaching down to man and man reaching up to God and receiving Christ as Lord and Saviour. This is what this young man needed. You can't legislate righteousness, but you can change a person's heart with the help of God.

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and Thou Shalt be Saved."

Sunday, November 11, 2012

What Went Wrong?

It has been time to absorb what actually happened, listen to the commentators and analysts, and lick our wounds. But the election still hurts. I know for myself and many others we are heartsick at the loss of Romney's bid for the White House. And think how the Romney's must feel. I feel Romney did his best and gave it his all. Oh, I have heard the ones who have made criticisms and yes no one runs a perfect campaign. But all in all he did a good job.

He did not mislead people by giving their children amnesty to stay in the country. Or give money to failing green companies by the tune of 50 Billion dollars. Our used his pen to make new laws he could not get through the right way. Well, you know the list as well as I do. He just tried his best to run a fair and honest campaign.

In a small piece by Jim Gerghty he says Romney lost the presidency by 407,000 votes. He added the votes in Florida, Ohio, Virginia and Colorado and said if he had increased in these four states he would  be measuring the drapes for the White House with a win of 275 electoral votes.

I have spent the week listening to my friends and thinking about dealing with four more years of Obama. Fortunatetly for us we still have the House and a few more in the Senate.  Some say Obama's mandate is small and doesn't give him much to work with. But he still has the pen and uses it often.

We can still take some more time and lick our wounds and then get back to work. We have a lot to do, the battle is not over. And we need to spread the conservative message that is still the same as when I heard it for the first time when I was 17 years old. It made sense then and still does, of smaller government and power to the states. Of a people's government run by and for the people. Someone years ago invited me to some meetings and it has stuck with me and I must share it with others and pass it on. The principles of conservatism work. They will save our nation and give our children a future to go on. Our time is not done, and we must continue to work to save our country.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Romney Looked Calm, Cool and Collected

Romney had the appearance of a president from the beginning, while Obama looked like the student.  He showed that the policies of Obama have not been as a leader, but as the absent commander-in chief, calling Obama's presidential campaign an apology tour.

The reason Romney took this form was to not give the appearance of a war hawk, that so many have given of the Republican party. The form Obama took was to make Romney look bad and appear like he was a good foreign leader. In form he looked good, in reality his foreign policies have failed.

Romney spoke on Libya of having a comprehensive plan to overcome extremism. "The key is to have a pathway to get Middle East countries to reject extreme Islam themselves," Romney said. We have an opportunity in Syria, Iran's only ally, with removal of Assad. He also spoke that countries don't trust us now and perceive us as unreliable to come to their aid. Do they really trust us to be there if they need us?

If you want a real expose' of Obama's foreign policy look at Benhazi, which happened September 11th, 2012 and we still don't have answers.

On the statement Romney made that we have fewer ships than in 1916, the president's one good line ""we also have fewer horses and bayonets" is backfiring on him because marines still use bayonets and are calling him out. Donald Rumsfeld said this morning, the fact that we are deminishing in our war ships is serious business.

Romney again came in on him about the need to keep our friendship with Israel and that the president didn't visit Israel once in four years.

 One of the president's statements recently made on his foreign policy is "It hasn't gotten worse." Mr president we have no allies now who trust us, how we are perceived in the world is much different than when you took office. Do countries now perceive us as reliable? Do they trust us to be there if they need us? It's going to take a long time for the world to respect us again.

The need for foreign policy being corrected is important, but many still believe it's the economy that will be the main thrust of the 2012 vote. As James Carville has recently restated "It's the economy, stupid." Also, last night, some would have liked some discussion about the European Union. Other's are regretting that Fast and Furious wasn't mentioned.

The entire campaign now comes to those swing states. Ohio is of course the main target. If Romney wins Ohio he needs only one other swing state to win. Romney is now edging ahead in Florida with Romney 48.4% to Obama's 46.6%. A recent national head to head poll was Romney 47% to Obama's 47%. Last night's debate probably had little effect on the undecided voter, who many still remain undecided.

This election comes down to the day when they walk in the booth and pull the lever, well used to be the lever, and make their final decision. It will be a 'who can they trust decision?' Can they trust a president who has driven our country into deep debt, left for our children and grandchildren to pay? A president who has turned away from our allies? A president who has made so many regulations the small businessman is choking to death? Or can they trust a man who has been a proven winner in creating jobs? A man from all accounts is respected and has high integrity.To me the decision is clear. I choose a winner. A man that stands for right and wrong. That's were my vote goes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Boxing Match Was On Romney Vs Obama

I had the impression from the beginning by the way the questions where read it seemed a concerned audience. The questions seemed as though they were from a negative view. The first came from a 20 year old college student and was very direct. He threw the first volley at Obama. "I am a college student working three jobs," directed straight at Obama "I have had little opportunity for employment." Obama answered I am glad you are continuing with your studies and I have  increased  government loans. And I personally have been happy about that but Romney hit the nail on the head when he told the student that under Obama college kids have more in debt and had less work. Obama went on to explain he would change the tax code to help small businesses to create jobs. He must be taking lessons from Romney, but my question why hasn't he done this already to take the burden off small businessmen? Romney continued on that  "the President's policies have been exercised for the last four years and have not worked."

And that is how the evening kept going with Romney and Obama taking one blow to the other over and over. Some say there was too much contention, but others, especially men said they like the heavy hitting. And at times it was up close and personal with evading one another's air space. Another questioner, an African American was pretty blunt, "I voted for you and it has been rough." Obama continued in his usual defence of being handed a bad deal but that we are beginning to climb out of it. There also was an assault gun question, and both candidate's answered to their party lines with Obama wanting more banns which I read today now he is going to do something. More than likely an executive order to pass soon for the women voters. Romney answered his usual we have enough laws, they need to be enforced. But had also bought up the problem of children's home lives needing to improve to stop the situation. And I hardily agree.

At times it was serious, at times humorous, but the battle continued without either giving up. Some say Obama won and others say Romney won in substance. Romney went after China on their currency manipulation allowing tariffs. And one of the lines of the evening Obama slamming Romney "your the last one to get tough on China" One of my favorite phrases of the evening trickle-down government by Romney.

Romney tried to drive home his five point plan, energy independence, increase even trade, balance the budget, fixing learning programs for work, and championing small businesses. Obama came back with Romney doesn't have a five point plan. He has a one point plan, he went on to explain, a plan for the rich being exempt from Obama's 20% across the board cut.  But Obama pushed his points too hard and Romney finally came back asking Obama about his pension plan, that Obama had the same type investments overseas as Romney....Guess he's had it with that.

Finally the woman question came up on equal pay and I wish she had mentioned that even with the passing of the Bettty Leadbetter Bill women are still making 72% of a man's income, even in the White House. This gave Romney the advantage to mention that 580,000 women lost jobs the last four years. That under Obama 31/2 million more women are in poverty.

The saddest mention last night was that America is not number 1 in manufacturing, China is. Romney said we need to cut down on outsourcing, that 1/2 million manufacturing jobs have gone off shore.

Charles Krathhammer: "It was like a boxing match." On Obama "He didn't even try to answer the questions." It was clear that these two don't like each other very much. Some of the looks on Obama's face showed he was not amused by Romney's comments.

Of course we knew Benghazi would come up. The key words being from the Rose Garden the following day of the attack Obama said "no acts of terrorism" and Romeny picked up on this. He was corrected by Crowley who later that night said that Romney was right. Crowley also repeatedly stopped Romney from finishing his points. It did seem at times one sided. Romney had 40.58 minutes to Obama's 43.47. Many have said Romney should have gone after the timeline of the two weeks following Benghazi when he went on the View on Sept 25th and at the UN he mentioned the video 6X's. As one put it the President got caught. Sununu said "the President lives in his own world, "it was an act of negligence." Sununu continued, "the president knew because he watched it that night by video."

In my estimation the President was on defence most of the night, Romney seemed forceful, on the offence. articulate and had more substance. It's hard to run on a nothing record. The best quote of the evening for me "we don't have to live like this."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Town Hall Debate - Round Three

Tonight's debate is in the setting of a town hall which was initiated as part of the presidential debates in 1992 by Clinton, Bush #1 and Ross Perrot. Today Ross Perrot gave his indorsement to Romney stating that the country could not take another four years of Obama.

Some prefer this debate as the questions are usually more personal issues and not usually questions journalist's are interested in. People are concerned about taxes, health care, jobs and such. But will the evening turn to Benghazi, and will the president give his usual answer we are investigating this to divert us until after the election. This is not a political subject, this is the death of four Americans.

There will also be no followup, but that rule has already been broken several times. Some anticipate an angered Obama after the women's vote is slipping away from him. New Rasmussen report said 50% of women for Romney to Obama 46%. It has been said that Obama was angered and made the statement Rasmussen was the only poll stating this.

Just three weeks away with Romney beginning to pull ahead with women and  Obama still slightly ahead in new national poll with Obama at 47.7% and Romney47.4%, showing this election is going to be very close.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Got My First Paycheck Today

Now if only we can get the other 23 million on their feet. It's no laughing matter Vice-President Biden. While you are making fun of Paul Ryan's plans, people are hurting and still out of work.

Sometimes I even wonder if this president understands what he has done to this nation. Does he know what a family goes through when they lose a house? Or what it is like to search for a job for over a year or more to find a job?

It's no laughing matter that Iran is near having nuclear weapons and they have a new missile that can reach Israel. You're a little behind the times Vice-President Biden.

It's no laughing matter that 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi because the State Department didn't send military help to the Ambassador and his protectors. It's wasn't a video, they were thrown into the arms of terrorists.

It's no laughing matter to tell the enemy when you are going to end a war. Our young people have fought hard and deserve the victory.

It's no laughing matter and we are not laughing with you. Not when we have been through the veil of tears you and this president have put the nation through the last four years.

It's time to go.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Laughing Biden

The debate started with Biden in a strange laughing mood. At times he seemed derisive and even bazaar. You had to overlook this to concentrate on what he was saying. It seemed more of the same the President talked about. Taxing the rich, and remove the Bush tax cuts. Of course more spending {stimulus} is in that equation but Biden fortunatley left that out. But nothing really new on the economy except more of the same.

Ryan seemed to hold his own. He was clear and concise and knew what he wanted to say to bring forth the Romney plan. He made it clear to lower taxes so people would have more in their pockets to spend. Or for employers more to spend on their businesses. Also making it clear that this would increase tax revenue, which Biden couldn't quite grasp.

Biden also had to get in the Share - Even the Playing field for everyone Obama doctrine. He also played the Mediscare game to make seniors believe the Ryan-Romney plan was devastating and would destroy Medicare. He also added more smirking and having a regular heyday over what Ryan was saying. Only thing is only the VP was laughing.

The highest poll I have seen so far this evening is CNBC with Paul Ryan 56% - Joe Biden 36% Neither 8%.

I found Ryan tried to remain respectful and as the debate continued he became stronger and in more control of the speaking time. Speaking time ended up being Ryan 41 minutes and Biden 40 minutes. It only seemed Biden spoke longer.

As you can tell by my speech I did not enjoy the smiling - it seemed as though he was laughing at us - it was offensive.

Biden Vs Ryan - Second Round

It should be rather interesting tonight. There is much speculation on whether the polls will move much after the debate. Over 70 million watched the Palin - Biden match-up. It is said that Joe was told to make it soft on Palin. But all the stops are going to be unleashed tonight. It could be a real shoot out and the one left standing will be declared the winner.

Of course everyone is ready for the Biden goof, and no doubt Ryan will have myriads of facts and figures.

Obama lost a lot of independents on the last debate and they think they will get them back tonight. I don't think it is quite that easy. I think most of those likely voters liked what they heard and it will be hard to turn them.

If Ryan does well and doesn't make any major mistakes we will see another rise but not that much.

Ryan tweeted earlier 'Lets'get it going."

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

When The Benghazi Hearing Ended I Cried

To think that the US Ambassador and his defense team were left literally waiting to know that something soon was going to happen and no one would come to help. To think that the UK Ambassador was attacked by a fish bomb in Benghazi a few weeks earlier. That 230 attacks had occurred the last 12 months. As red flags where flying everywhere, but no help coming, brought tears to my eyes.

These were the reports we received today in the committee hearings on the Benghazi attack. The state department failed the Ambassador and his protectors. Our country failed these servants of the people. Here they were trying to get help, but the bureaucrats followed procedures and policies instead. It left us screaming at our TV's and congressmen shouting from their seats. Inexcusable doesn't even come close to defining what we heard today. Why didn't the state department listen to these people?

It wasn't because of lack of funds. Simply stated our government  failed to listen to them.

Lt. Col. Anderson Wood: "the Ambassador knew he was in danger from a message on facebook after the attempt on the UK's Ambassador's bomb attack just a few weeks before 9-11-2012."

Erick Nordstrom, Regional Security Advisor:  "There was a complete and total lack of planning."  "Security continued to deteriorate and a litany of assaults continuing." Nordstrom continued: "Requests continued for military protection {SST} staying. If not, then give us 13 bodies from anywhere" was his plea. It fell on deaf ears.

Woods:  Resources for there for SST to stay. We would have been happy to help."

Charlene Lamb: There were conflicting stories, multiple reports, we could not reconcile multiple reports on why they did not know if it was the video or terrorists." You can't make this stuff up.

On the question. Did you think it was a terrorist attack? Patrick Kennedy, Under Secretary of State in Management:  "Anybody would have said the same thing as Rice." But on Sept 12th Kennedy said it was a terrorist attack in his own opinion contradicting himself. Nordstrom: "I thought it was a terrorist attack immediately." Woods: "I instantly believed it was a terrorist attack."

Rep. Gowdy: In swelling anger "Carney said there was no evidence that it was preplanned, no concrete evidence." Getting angrier he exploded "It was never a video, it was terror. We were lied to."

Rep. Rohrabacher was the one who gave the greatest assault on Webb and Kennedy: "Was it lack of money? Intelligence? I was in the Reagan Administration - he never sidestepped an issue. He never used lowering and scrabbling to the Islamic terrorists saying it never happened. "To Kennedy he said "you never even used the word terrorism in your written testimony as to what happened." There is a mind-set at play. And now you are here one month later - are you stonewalling?"

Rep.Adam: 230 incidents of attacks and you and your agency denied help?''

The feelings I have are deep inside. I feel anger and regret that our government let the Ambassador and his protectors down. They called for help and it did not come. How they must have felt, forsaken, frightened, and alone. They had come to help a country find it's way to freedom, but were ensnared in the arms of the terrorists. The American government let us down too. By not being forthright in what happened. And yes, they may have even lied to us. It was a terrorist attack. So they will explore and come up with a finding on how to possibly keep it from happening again. But can they bring the Ambassador back to his family. Can they bring back those that protected him for the sake of freedom, who were also father's and husbands? And all because they didn't meet the criteria for getting more help. This is government bureaucracy at it's worst.

God Bless Ambassador Stevens. God bless the others who gave their lives so Libyans have a chance at freedom. They gave the ultimate, highest price. There are no words for their sacrifice.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Falling Obama

Obama is falling and falling hard. The reason Obama could not come back at the debate? He had nothing to come back with. On the 90 Billion spent on green energy funded projects he has mostly wasted, he only made a grimaced face at Romney. He made no answer for the 719 Billion taken from Medicare. Although he has since corrected the statement by saying he has saved Medicare from 719 Billion by reducing hospital, nursing home, pharmaceuticals and doctor bills. But he did not mention the hospitals and doctors who will no longer take Medicare and the list is growing. He has no excuse for the first stimulus which was recently estimated to cost 1.18 Trillion dollars, with low jobs created and the ones he did create are now beginning to end.

His only answer so far is we need more stimulus, highly unlikely to happen as the congress will be pretty much what we have now, with a few possible additions in the Senate for the Republicans and and few possible gains in the house of new Dems and Republicans. He had few answers and brought few new ideas to the debate. All he has left is Big Bird to defend. Although Big Bird has little defense as he has brought in 1 Billion in revenues in merchandise and clothing since his start. So Big Bird can't really help him.

He had no answers and Romney called his bluff. He had no defense so Romney wiped him off the board. He has no political capital left, he spent it on Obamacare. You could say he has come to the end of his rope. He is even beginning to loose the women's vote because women like to feel secure and the heartbreaking debacle in Lybia has taken that away.

He had no answers, no defence, no bluff. All that was standing was the real Obama with hardly anything to say. This is the real Obama, he has left our country broke, looked down upon by the world and has tried to isolate us from our own allies. This is the Fallen Obama.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Al Gore - Blame It On The Altitude

The President was shocked last night. I couldn't help but keep looking at his responses. He was dumbfounded, confused and disbelieving that Romney was taking over the debate. He tried to stick to his plan, but it kept falling apart on him. He and Clinton had revised a plan whereby he would say something like, We'll we need not look back but look forward to the future. But every time he tried it, it failed

Unfortunately nothing the President tried helped him. If the President talked about the past, Romney would come in with facts and figures that blew apart anything he had to say. Then he would look at Romney with a look that said when can I get out of here? Or I should have celebrated our anniversary instead.

Romney from the start went for the jugular trying to choke Obamacare. Obama said a few words and Romney came back with instead of working for two years on Obamacare you should have worked on jobs for the American people. Saying to us he wasted his political capital he had gained from the election.

Obama responded with a weak ' Oh, we worked on jobs too.' I think right then Obama realized he hadn't done his homework. That Romney was ready for the exchange. We will never really know what happened with Obama, he seemed tired, unprepared and weak. Romney was in charge of the debate and even Lehrer had trouble keeping him in place.

He really hit it hard on things that Obama had said that were not true. At one point Romney said that he had never heard of a law that gave deductions for companies that took jobs overseas. That he had been a businessman for 25 years and there was no such law.

The ratings really went high when Romney said he would work with the other side, something Obama would not do with Obamacare and left the Republicans with no input. Romney said in his health care plan it was Democrats and Republicans working together. This is something highly important to voters. They are tired of the split in government. And they have a right to be..

Romney spoke of personal responsibility, not a government that takes care of everyone. The part I liked is keeping Medicare in the hands of the states. This way we have more control.

Another of his corrections to Obama "I never said I would raise taxes on the middle class.
All in all Romney hit the nail on the head and continued throughout the debate. He especially clobbered the President on the indebtedness of the country and the mess he has left for our children and grandchildren.
He spoke of tying the hands of the small businessman and the taxes that they are hard hit with. Even giving the figures of a small business where the owner paid nearly half of what he made to the government. Obama would increase that by 5%. He also told of the fears small businessmen face, and of the large force of Americans they employ in the United States. He clearly wants to fight for the small business's.

And through all of this he showed a gentleness, not the hard hearted person the President has painted him on the campaign trail. It was a great evening and one that will be remembered for a long time in Romney's bid for the White House.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

After Eleven Months and One Week I Finally Found Work

I have finally found work, however not the hours I really need, but my foot is in the door. And for Illinois that is pretty good as we are still above the national average of 8.3%. We near 9% and in the inner city, Obama's backyard it has been as high as 16%. And yet in a few weeks they will probably vote to put him back in office.

You have to go through this to understand what it is like. Usually, in the past, if your out of work it was for a few weeks, so to encounter this is beyond belief. I can understand why some people just give up. To fill out resumes on the computer and visit businesses and then never hear anything is the most baffling thing I have experienced in a long time.

It has been a hard time, and yet we were fortunate in that we didn't lose our home, car or belongings. I consider myself one of the lucky ones. I've seen friends, neighbors and relatives go through great trials. I think the recession has effected every family in some way or another.

Everywhere around us are foreclosures and businesses that are now closed up. Even just recently a K-Mart, Fashion Bug and Blockbuster went out near us. Our favorite restaurant went out  For me it seems a though the recession is continuing, or as the President calls it a jobless recovery.

Business owners near here say there is some improvement, but not the improvement they need to hire more. If fact, they are waiting to see how much the new taxes will be at the beginning of the year before they do much of anything. I like to call it a stalled economy, it can't go forward or back. Jimmy Johns has had it with the high corporate taxes in Illinois and is moving out.Yet, Quinn does nothing about it and keeps doing things that make it worse. I believe our lack of improvement is Pat Quinn himself and people are already looking forward to the next election in 2014.

Recently a family was transferred here and are considering buying a house in Indiana.  Indian's taxes would be $900.00 and here in Illinois $5,000. Where would you go?

Yet for all this, Illinois will be a Blue State come fall election. The only light for conservatives is each year more and more people vote Republican. And in my district the 19th ward we actually voted for McCain in 2008.

I am looking forward to the debates this week in Denver, my home town. These are some of the key issues I hope will be addressed next week. I will be looking for anwers to these problems in the debates from both candidates.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Netanyahu-We Have Come Home - We Will Never Leave Again

Netanyahu delivered a good speech explaining to Iran and the rest of the world they are home and will never leave again.

Promising his people "Jewish people will never be rooted again." Citing how one third of his people died in the Holocaust, and he will not allow it to happen again. For these reasons they celebrate the rebirth of Israel.

He went on to speak of achievements they have made in science and medicine. Even mentioning they have treated Palestinians as well as others in the Middle East. They come to Israel for treatment and are welcomed. That Israel cherishes life and peace.

He then went into how Iran wants to destroy Israel and others world wide. He said ' Iran is bent on world conquest and want to end the modern world."

He then brought his drawing pad with a simple picture of a bomb. More like something your children would draw. He went on  and drew a red line across the near top saying this is the Red line in the Sand. He said "Red lines don't make war, they stop war and cited the making of NATO was created much the same way.

It was simple but effective. Israel wants to see a Middle East of progress and peace. They have been at war since they entered the country. You think we are war weary here in America. We don't wake up everyday with the threat of bombs in our streets.

I like this man, he is a good leader. The kind of leader we need in America. God Bless Israel, God's special people.

CIA Is Pulled Out Of Libya After Attack

The CIA has called back about a dozen personal out of Eastern Libya. They were evacuated after the US Consulate in Benghazi was attacked and four American's were killed. Former CIA official's have called out disapproval saying it was overly cautious. Debate was made on how much should a CIA officier assume in a dangerous situation.

Critics argue important information has been delayed on an important intelligence operation. The CIA's mission in Lybia is to identify and track extremist militants and searching for surface to air missiles that are missing from Gadhafi after being toppled last year.

According to the Chicago Tribune there are still FBI agents left in Benghazi that listen to phone calls, hack email traffic, conduct overhead surveillance and spy in Libya. But the report says face to face meetings are the best way to get information.

CIA former official says "If you've got 10 or 12 guys living in a house in eastern Libya somewhere that's a target, and there's no way 10 or 12 guys are going to hold off a militia" 'Our tendency has been , if there is a problem, we pull out. Yes, we have staying plans, but we rarely exercise those kinds of plans because of the risks."

A former CIA officier says" it should be possible for CIA to operate relatively safely in Libya by traveling with small teams with Arabic officers. He continued to say "Look the risks are somebody could get killed. Somebody could get grabbed.  There could be terrible videos on the Internet. This is the job. This is what we do. If we are going to be relevant in a place like Libya, we're going to have to take the risk."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Morsi and the Palestinian State - Jerusalem

On a day when the last whispers of "Moon River" pass through or minds from the passing of Andy Williams we think of easier times. But to be clearly interrupted by the new President of Egypt. Portraying himself as the first democratically elected president of Egypt and calling upon God for the Egyptian people. It sounded so good at the beginning.

But immediately he started drawing a line in the sand. Yesterday when pressed he said Egypt is not an ally. Today he goes after our ally Israel. Stating that his goal is to restore all full rights of the Palestinian cause and it's capital Jerusalem. He made it clear his fight is for the Palestinian people.

He said they must bedenied rights of shamefull settlements, end of occupation of all lands and Jerusalem. They must set up a sovereign Palestinian state.

He also decried the need to end the misery in Syria. Morsi says his Syrian initiative is open to all to join in, surely referencing Iran.

One put it this way, Morsi is positioning himself as man for all seasons across the Middle East and Africa. I believe we have met someone worse than Ahmedinejad.

This was his vision of a new Egypt. A Palestinian State and removal of Israel. He clearly stated non -intervention between the states. But what is he thinking? Some think the take over of the Middle East. If he is not an ally we must call for no more monies to Egypt at once. President Bush said you are either with us or against us, you are either our friend or our enemy.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Seriousness of Syria

I stayed up late last night studying and thinking about Syria. The stats are alarming. Activists are saying they believe 27,000 have died in the last 18 months. I have read about each side, how they feel and how this situation got this way. And yet with all their justification one thing stands clear. No matter who is right and who is wrong people are starving and dying. The winter is coming and the UN is having trouble with raising the amount of money they need just to sustain life. They say it will be a long hard winter.

Andrew Tabler, senior fellow and Syrian expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy - "This means we are headed into a very hard time in Syria, more violence, and a slow grinding conflict that is going to test everyone's limits on non-intervention."Tabler continued " It's a crisis the U. N. is unable to deal with. And so, basically what happens is that you're going to have a lot of speeches...but unless you get the Security Council agreeing I don't see anything happening."

International mediator Lakhdar Brahimi has replaced Annan and met with Assad on Saturday. "I will go to New York for the occasion of the General Assembly to meet Security Council, foreign ministers and representatives of other countries interested in Syria."

The U.S. hesitates because we do not want guns going to Islamic terrorists. Russia and China don't want to take out Assad for fear that his seat  will be filled with Radical Islamists. A stalemate has happened. France's UN ambassador Gerard Araud said "the security council has not been as paralyzed as it is today since the end of the Cold War."  And we have a president who is not interested in talking to anyone.

Who has failed? The UN.? Russia and China? America? Are we a society now that looks the other way and walks? Can we call ourselves human? What have we become?

Could President Obama pick up the phone and talk to someone? Is there a solution? Does anyone care if there is a solution, and if we don't care what have we become? I tried to think last night what if that were us, America, and no one cared. As David said in the Bible "and no man cared for my soul."

To me this would be a time of advantage for the President. Even if he can't help with the situation he at least offered to help. So one must pick up the phone and see if a resolution can be reached or we'll walk away and see these people perish. If we can't even do that we cannot call ourselves Americans, human, or a modern society.

I'm just a concerned American.

President's UN Speech 'This Is A Season of Progress"

Sometimme's I wonder really where is this President in his thinking. He said  "this is a season of progress." When the Arab Spring began I had hopes of democracies springing up and a people freed from dictators. Obama praised the progress in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. "Around the Globe, people are making their voices heard, insisting on their innate dignity, and the right to determine their future."

The President touted what has happened in the Middle East and would have you to think everything is grand and democracies are building and thriving throughout the Middle East. He once told a crowd 'I have a gift" referring to his way with words and rousing a crowd. But, behind those words Mr. President are tears and bloodshed.

Tears in Egypt, Mr President, where the Muslim Brotherhood has taken over and the Egyptians find themselves with a worse leader than they had and now under Sharia Law.

Tears in Libya as a country that struggles in poverty and divisive groups wanting to control the government. We have made little effort in showing and tutoring them in the hows and means of setting up a democracy.The one who was there to help didn't even have proper coverage for his life. He selflessly gave his life, and for that American's should be humbled and proud.

Tears in Syria, the country the President barely mentioned, that we have done little except provide food for 3 million who are now nearing hunger with a dark winter before them. With 27,000 people who have now died while the Security Council remains divided.

France's UN Ambassador Geraud Araud say's 'the Security Council has not been as paralyzed as it is today since the end of the Cold War." He also said it is essential that we support the democratic opposition in Syria. Meaning Russia and China forcing a gridlock while thousands perish.

As the President mentioned this morning our goal is regime change which Russia and China believe with Assad gone there will be a takeover of Syria by Islamist radicals.

Now would have been a great time Mr. President to meet with all these countries, at a time of unrest, fear and even some talking of a world war. Now was your time to use your "gift' to call the Security Council to unite for the sake of life. But no, Mr. President, you have chosen for the sake of politics lest you say something to hurt your campaign, you have chosen not to talk to the countries leaders. You should have stood up for the one who gave his life and said we will not allow anyone to hurt our own. You should have pleaded with Russia and China to reach some sort of compromise, but no, Mr.President, you chose the View instead. Sometimes I really wonder what this President is thinking.     A concerned American

Monday, September 24, 2012

Joe Moreno says Chick-fil-A Changed It's Stance

And the battle rages. Moreno saying I was told by your executives they have stopped making donations to anti-gay groups. Dan Cathy dening and stating clearly that he has not changed, he has made no concessions. Even now Huckabee has been drawn into the controversy and has made a statement on his facebook page.

Unfortunately Mr Cathy and Huck have entered the dark gray world of Chicago Politics. A world were bullying and harassment are every day occurrences. Even the teacher's complained during the strike they we're being bullied. It's a way of life here. I did not know that the city can tell you who to support and who not to support. But in talking to my neighbors they tell me it happens everyday in Chicago. It's common place to make concessions in order to get a license in Chicago. Only now this is on a national level.

Moreno has stated that Chick-fil-a told him it has ceased making donations and has established workplace fairness on discrimination.  On Wensdday Mr Cathy said "the Chick-fil-a culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity, and respect reguardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender.Going forward our intent is to leave the policy debate over same sex marriage to the government political arena. "

Sunday Joe Moreno  said "It's pretty simple, Mr. Carthy. Do You support the policies your executive outlined to me in writing or do you not? Yes or No?

It's really quite unbelievable to me that you can tell a person who they can and who they cannot give to. Would they turn this around and say you couldn't give to the red cross, or any charitable organization? And if you did you could not open a business in Chicago. Does Joe Marino have any legal legs to stand on? It's really quite sad when these restaurants employ a lot of people and pay good taxes. You think the city would want a business like this. People could be working by now instead of being hindered by a politician named Joe Moreno.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Our Battle For The Free Internet - Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Well, for once we have unity between Dems and Republicans on keeping our Internet free. Freedom of speech, freedom from taxes and freedom from censorship. But if we have Russia and many other nations joining them taking the Internet under the U.N and under the International Telecommunications Union we can kiss Internet freedom good by.

As I mentioned a few days ago President Obama wants to sign an executive order giving the executive branch of our country control over the Internet. Napolitano said on Wednesday that it is being prepared. And as usual there are many hidden parts we have not even seen yet. Like the health care bill we'll have to read them later to know what is in the bill. By then it is too late.

The one carrying the banner is our friend Putin himself. Congress suspects other nations are wanting to shackle people with taxes and censorship. We believe one of Putin's efforts is to stop dissent over the Internet so he can keep control of his people,

So on Saturday the Senate unanimously adopted a resolution denouncing foreign nations from having control of key functions of the Internet.

Marco Rubio and Dem. Sen Claire McCaskill together introduced a measure in June opposing the U.N. takeover of the Internet. Senate Foreign Relations Committee approval of Rubio's and McCaskill's bill follows a House approval of a simular resolution during the summer.

Putin has called for "international control over the Internet using the monitoring and supervisory capabilities of ITU{International Telecommunications Union.}

Marco Rubio - I just want to be clear that America is on record as being in favor of Internet freedom and that we don't want to see any internationally recognized right for government interference on the Internet and the free flow of information on the Internet."

John Kerry - We're facing off against those who want the world's approval to balkanize the Internet into countries where government can censure speech or impose new taxes on the transmission of information across national boundaries,"

Friday, September 21, 2012

Obama Opposses His Own National Security Staff on Libyan Attack Was Terrorism

Until today I was still thinking maybe the president could be right, but now he disagrees with his own staff and their intelligence report. Also conclusive evidence that there was knowledge at DHS that an attack was coming before September 11th. Napolitano's finger prints are all over it. Napolitano should have called the president and arrangement made for security of the ambassador. Obama got his three o'clock call and slept through it.

For over a week now the president has claimed the film "Innocence of Muslims" was the blame for the protests. Now more and more evidence is coming forth that terrorism is painted all over it.

Yet the president blindly refuses to believe the truth. Is there any doubt why the president has failed in foreign policy? And puts more significance to his statement "you can't change Washington from the inside."

Evidence poured before the president clearly shows the attack was with heavy weapons,  the largeness of the attacking force, and how easily and quickly they were able to get to the Ambassador.

While the president is in denial the world protests against him. Maybe they have come to their senses and are seeing through him as we have been. We have now survived under four years of misery. Carter had his misery index and we are at our misery precipice  hanging over a debt cliff.

So here we are with the president contradicting his own national security staff. And the evidence is also mounting that there were reports that Egyptians were going after the U.S. embassy,  DHS report released Sept 11 "unidentified user"  posted this statement "inciting Egyptians to target U.S. embassy, indicating the U.S. Embassy shouldn't remain in Egypt." That's clear as day to me.

Here another message to DHS September 9th " the time has come for a strong movement from you, O sons of Egypt,  to release the detained" {sheikh}. Were were you Napolitano? What did you do with these messages?  There were all kinds of signals, the president was asleep at the wheel and has driven us into a mess that will take years to clean up.

Maybe these are some of the reasons troops are coming home from Afghanistan, not in victory, but because we have not done what we needed to do. Is it the troops fault. No, we have the best trained and equipped troops in the world. It is leadership, and lack thereof. In fact the election is coming down to the president's failed leadership in every area of his office.

Like Clint Eastwood said Mr. President " It's Time to Go."

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Obama Takes Over the Internet with Executive Order On Cybersecurity Bill

You go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow and the government controls the Internet. Our Internet is free and devoid of control by the government, but not after Obama signs this order. And what is worse we don't even know the secret parts of this bill. The White House is close to completion of the Cybersecurity Bill. With this bill the executive branch will have authority over the Internet.

Janet Napolitano said Wednesday in a hearing the bill is still being drafted. Dave Carney said a few months ago "this bill will go through."

This bill will be based on the failed bill of Joe Lieberman and Republican Susan Collins.

The executive order would put the federal agencies in charge of industries like power companies and utilities. The bill will mandate cybersecurity recommendations. You think your gas bill is high now, wait til this bill is signed.

It is another act of Obama administration to overstep it's power and authority.

We do not even know what is in the secret parts of this bill. I guess we have to read the bill once we see the bill after it is signed.

If you are tired of this presidents intrusion into our lives by executive orders and now the Internet you must go out and vote on Nov.6th. The time has come to put a stop to Obamas reckless spending and overriding the authority of his power in the oval office. The balance of power truly is out of balance and not what the forefather's had in mind. It's time to go Mr. President.

Chick-fil-A Knuckles Down Under Politics in Chicago

I would never had thought this could happen, but a politician is telling a private company who they can give to and who they can't give to in order to get a license. Yes, Joe Moreno Chicago Alderman has bullied and harassed the company Chick-fil-A to an agreement of what their own own foundation can contribute to. Chick-fil-A is sidestepping this by saying they are not going to give to political agenda's with their foundation.

Moreno says he would agree if the company would agree to re-evaluate who the group's foundation WinShape supports and strengthen internal anti-discrimination policies.

If Chick-fil-A will stop giving to such groups as Focus on the Family, or Exodus International then they can get a license from the City of Chicago to open business. So from now on please be sure to give a list to the city which groups you financially support and you can open your business.

I don't know about you but this sends a chill down my spine that the City of Chicago would be able to stop any business by harassing and bullying and getting you to stop giving from your own foundation.

That a city can disgrace a company because the founder believes in marriage. That already hires gay people to work there, and hires many ethnics to work there also.

It's scary because they are holding up a business that wants to hire and pay taxes to the City of Chicago. And now wants to tell a private business what it can do to get it's license.

An outraged Chicagoan!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Why Doesn't Rahn Eamanuel Talk to Chicago Owner Joe Ricketts?

It's been all over the air waves for several months now about the rift between Joe Ricketts and the Mayor. The problem, Joe Ricketts would like help for funding in the renovation of Cub's Ball Park. Sounds like an OK idea, but right now Rahm will not return Mr Ricketts calls. The reason, Mr Ricketts is a Romney supporter. Many have said that it is wrong for the mayor to put politics before the people of Chicago. Some have even gone to say the Mayor is breaking the law in not returning the calls.

Last Thursday, Mr Ricketts announced his PAC Ending Spending will put $10,000,000 dollars worth of ads running against Obama. The ads will include people who voted for Obama but are now disenchanted with him. Also some of the ads will include the Rev. Jeremiah Wright making a return of 2008 clips of his rantings. For this Romney draws the line. He says" I want to make it very clear, I repudiate that effort." "I think it's the wrong cause for a PAC campaign."  "I hope that our campaigns can respectively be about the future and about the vision for America."

With all in's and out's of this the ads will go on. Mr. Ricketts is fairly new to the world of politics, but feels very strongly about the spending in Washington. He is a billionaire philanthropist and hates earmarks.

Once an Democrat, then a Republican Joe Ricketts now carries the independent banner.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Gov. John Sununu's Response, Romney Did Not Back Down

My look at this they need something to talk about on the left. In fact this video has been out for some time or parts of it for quite a while. In looking at the situation on TV you can see the public is beginning not to buy the story that a video started these protest.

In reality, there have been death threats in theses regions for months and yet Obama's White House ignored the problem, and paid no attention. He should have been careful and watching the areas where our people were and their safety. Maybe if he had had a daily briefing this subject would have come up for discussion. You cannot run the White House by yourself.

All this has exploded in his lap. and everyday the American people wake up they see that they are less and less secure. Security is the President"s main priority. He took and oath on January 20, 2009 to preserve and protect the American people. He has not preserved this country. It is worst than when he took office. And he has not protected it. This is a vital concern for us at this time. And still will the protests come to America looms in our hearts and fears.

Gov. Sununu clearly defended Gov. Romney. He is showing his character by not standing down. He is not shifting the blame too someone else. He stands by his statement however mentioning that it was "off the cuff.' It was an unplanned statement, however a true statement. As Sununu said 90% of people who make 66,000 or more carry the torch for the rest of the country. How much longer can they carry the load?
At some point if this continues this will crumble and then who shall Andrea blame?

Gov. Sununu "he responded immediately and didn't hide from it. He didn't send a surrogate and talk about it, and he didn't blame anybody else."

This was launched by the Obama -ites as a distraction, and there will be another Obama distraction launched tomorrow." Romney's refusal to disavow the thrust of his remarks say's much about the Republican nominee's character." Gov. Sununu.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

What's Netanyahu All Up In Arms About? Could It Be A New Iranian Missle?

What is Netanyahu all so fired up about? And why won't the president meet with him? Could it be about a new Iranian missile called the Meshkat that can be launched from sea, land and air? It has a range of 2,000 kilometers. It can easily reach Jerusalem. IRGC chief {commander of Islamic Revolution Guards Corp} said if Israel attacks nothing will remain in Israel. The IRGC chief also says that the U.S. will not support Israels military action.

This is why Netanyahu is calling for a red line. But the president told 1,200 American Rabi's "No leader ties his hand." Again on Sunday Netanyahu calls for a red line. Jerusalem post said U.S. president said on Friday he was unwilling to impose "a set of conditions" on how he would handle Iran's nuclear issue.

I don't know about you, but I am pretty concerned about Obama's inaction on this. By mid-2013 Iran will be 90% of the way to an enriched nuclear bomb. Netanyahu told Meet the Press today, Iran is 6-7 months away from a nuclear bomb. If the president won't come to Netanyahu, he will come to the American people. Is this any way to approach a serious problem looming in our hands? You have to go on TV to let people know what is going on? Is this the Obama doctrine?

Netanyahu, "you have to place that red line before them now. "Iran states that they will bring in the other Muslims nations to destroy Israel. Your lead from behind position won't work on this one President Obama. You need to talk to Netanyahu now, before it is too late.

"I wasn't aware When I Gave That Speech That Jack Ryan Was ...There." President Obama

On July 11th, President Obama made a admission to Bob Woodward. I did not know that Jack{Paul} Ryan was in the audience. Which is hard to believe if you have seen the picture, where Ryan is in the front row sitting in front of President Obama. This was when he lambasted the Ryan Budget Plan, and shredded it to pieces in April 2011 in a speech before Wisconsin congressmenn.  He was trying to backtrack to the moment "I'll go ahead and say it-I think that I wasn't aware when I gave the speech that Jack Ryan was going to be sitting right there. I might have modified it so that we would have more negotiations open, because I do think that they felt like we were trying to embarrass him. We made a mistake." Here we see the president in trying to clear up a mistake he makes another one, by using the wrong name.

You might say what is significant about this, I think Obama realizes now that this person, Jack or Paul, Ryan has become an important figure in the Republican party.  So much so that a few weeks later after giving the interview and the mistake was made he became the President's V.P. opponent. Obama I believe is afraid of Paul Ryan. Obama knows he has a person that can cause him to lose the campaign. And now we are hearing calls from Republicans to unleash Ryan and let him do his duty especially after the the 2012 Values Voter Summit Paul Ryan is the key to this election. Here are some remarks from the conference "He sounds presidential", another said he is forceful, persuasive and knowledgeable." Another said in remarks he knows what he is talking about." He also has the ability to win the conservative right, he's a tea partier and most important independents are listening to him and like what they hear.

No matter what you call him, Jack or Paul, Ryan is an effective speaker and may be the one to make the difference in winning the election. After Nov. 6th, I think the President will remember Paul Ryan's name for a long time. Mitt Romney made a great choice.

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Day of Protests and Fear in 21 Countries

I was in disbelief when I arrived home today and found the protests had increased. Stirred by Social Internet they have shared the film and anti hate talk around the world. It's pretty scary being an American. Of course there is endless talk of what is happening.

The President and Penetta were on the phone today with Egypt. The president's first priority is to contact countries and make sure they are protecting Americans visiting or living in their countries. As the day wore on more protests grew to the number of 21 countries, including the UK. The next question comes to my mind will they spread to America? We are not immune. Except for two bogus calls to universities saying they had planted bombs nothing real happened to us today.

The first goal is for the president to secure what is being done in these countries for American's safety. There is an international code that nations protect visitors in other countries. There have been those today who have criticized the President for fundraising when American lives are at stake. I think these criticisms are correct. Pat Buchanon said today 'The World is on fire and the President is doing fundraising." The seriousness of the situation does call for the president to come home and take care of us first.

In the calls made to Egypt, the two countries affirmed a commitment to a defense relationship. We have no defense treaty with Egypt. That took care of Egypt, what about the other 21 nations. Mr. President please come home and do your job.

The White House has made some unbelievable remarks today. Dave Carney tried to make sure to state that the protests were not connected to the presidents policies or towards the American people but to the film that is enraging the Muslims. Again Carney reaffirmed "Protests are not directed at U.S. A big mistake by the White House as obviously these protests included the presidents handling, or unhandling, of the Arab Spring.

My first reaction of course was anger at what they had done to our ambassador and the men who were defending him. And what a battle they were in for their lives. Our prayers to their families.
My second thought, at this point what kind of a relationship are we going to have with the Middle Eastern countries after this?
Third, how are we going to give them money after this? Polls are almost 99% in favor, NO MORE MONEY

Our relationship with the Middle East is not to say the least strained and will be for sometime. How quickly things can be turned in a few days. I remember Bush's trip to Egypt, what a great day that was and now this. No comparison to how the two presidents practised their diplomacy. We are in deep water, and it's going to be hard to rebuild that  trust again..

For strength "The Lord is my light and my salvation; Of WHOM SHALL I FEAR? The Lord is the strength of my life; OF WHOM SHALL I BE AFRAID? Psalm 27:1

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Days Are Getting Darker, Be Not Afraid

Today was a day of darkness and tomorrow maybe darker. Military in Cairo vollied tear gas at rioters from trucks to protect the American embassy. Tomorrow more protest are called for from the Muslim Brotherhood. Reporters exclaimed it was a bloody day for the protesters.

Four protesters died in Yemen outside our embassy.

Hillary gave a slow strange speech decrying again the film was not from America.

The White House tried to back away from Obama's mistake the day before calling Egypt not an ally.

The anti-Muhammad You Tube clip is banned but there are still videos of it on the Internet.

Questions of what happened to ambassador Stevens disappearance for 8 hours and then reappearance.

UK Press states US state Department had 48 hours knowledge of an attack coming before charge on consulate.

Sensitive documents were stolen from the embassy, some telling names of Libyans who are helping the US.

It is times like this that shake you and make you wonder what is going on. Basically what is going on is a revolt against the US President Barak Obama by the Middle East. Many have said of late that the president was disengaging America from the Middle East. Questions have been coming from foreign countries "What is Wrong with America? "Why are they pulling back?"

This is how our allies feel at this time abandoned, left by one of the greatest countries on earth America.

The President isn't getting daily military or intelligent briefings from his advisors. He hasn't called his jobs committee since January. He has no time for Natenyahu, leader of Israel.

And the question arises, Where is President Obama and what is he doing?

Be not fearful, we are in God's hands. Everything is always in His control. Keep looking to Him and God will lead us through this. My friends, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:6&7 How many times in my life it felt like I was walking in darkness, when all the time God was leading me. I could see no light and wondered what it was all about. God will protect us from the evil one and bring us to the light. Just trust in Him.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rahm Emanuel - "This Is a Strike of Your Making"

Rahm said "this is a strike of choice."I would like to rename this "'This is a Strike of your Making" When people are promised a raise and then have it rescinded they don't forget. And this is what you have on your hands Mr. Mayor.

Rham continued. "This is unnecessary. It's avoidable and our kids don't deserve it." Two Sundays ago there was a large picture on the front of the Sun-times with Rahm saying This is how I got here. It infuriated me, because this is not about Rahm Emanuel this is about the teachers and children of Chicago. This was completely unavoidable when you had a 4% pay raise going and the teachers had waited for it a long time. Now Mr.Mayor you have a 16% pay raise. You and you alone are the reason we have a strike.

Furthermore the paper said the issues that are left are minor. You've missed the point again Mr. Mayor. The teachers in my area say it's not about the money, but they have issues. They are concerned about the teacher's evaluations. And they have a right to be. Some children in Chicago come from some hard homes. Some of these children have no evening meal nor breakfast. School is the only place they get a meal. These same children sometimes receive no encouragement at home to do their homework. Also some children have learning disabilities. Are they going to lose their jobs if a child with a learning disability, or no homework help from parents and has  poor achievement?

You had the entire summer to deal with these questions. Instead you chose to ramrod them through. Did you know Mr Mayor that the teacher's of Chicago supply school paper, pencils and other supplies out of their own pockets.

The teacher's have said to me there are too many things left unsaid and they want more knowledge. They are concerned about class sizes, job security, and room conditions. Why they can't have cost of living raises, more libraries. More social workers to help with issues such as violence, teaching parents to have quiet time at night for homework, and learning problems.

All of this could be solved with one word, communication. You need to talk to your own workers and know what is going on at the ground level

For too long all this has been swept under the carpet and now it has erupted.The Chicago teacher's face some of the greatest challenges of our day. If we don't reach into these homes and try to help, we will continue the path we have. Children who can't make it at school and so they choose other avenues of crime and violence.These are the issues these teacher's face. They are not minor.  These teacher's are some of the most dedicated teacher's I have met. But they need help to get the test scores up. We need to keep these children in school so they have a chance at success in life.

We can't keep sweeping the problems under the carpet or stuff it away in a closet. These are hard homes the children come from. The home is the key, and teacher's and parent's working together. God Bless the Chicago teacher's. You are special people. This time I stand with the teachers.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Remembrance of 9-11 A Day I Can't Forget

 This day is instilled in our minds and hearts, it will be something one can never forget. How can one forget airplanes going into buildings. People wandering through the streets of New York with a picture.
Hoping somehow their loved one would reappear, but knowing in their heart their loved one was gone. It was a scene never before seen on American soil.

Our country was struck hard and we were devastated. The grief overwhelming. A day we cannot and must not forget.

A lot has happened since that day. Two wars fought. Final justice for bin Laden. Twice as many of our military have made the ultimate sacrifice as who died that day. They have tried to make our world safer. There are no words for what they have done for us.

September 11th changed our lives and our world. Many people have said America will never be the same. I think they are right.

Thank you to those who have given their time and even lives for us.
Thank you, God for your protection of America. May you always be our light and guide through these trying times.

God Bess America

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Second Anniversary Of Our Dad's Passing

When I started this blog is was about a family going through a recession and a new President with ideas that seemed to lean towards socialism. I was scared for my family and friends around me. In the midst of that recession we lost our father and husband. So I included what had happened to us as part of  my writings.

Two years have past and I wish he were here so I could share with him all the things that have happened, at home and in the country. It has been a hard time for all Americans and sometimes you wonder how can the American people take any more. Stretched to the limits on gas and food prices and hearing that even these might increase.

I was feeling a little sorry for myself when my son came in and said, Mom, Dad's doing better than us, he's in a much better place." And he's right heaven can't compare to here on earth.  I am glad we instilled these kind of virtues in our children. I am glad when they show their faith in times like these.

And it is these values that carry us through in times like this. These same values are the values that will carry our country along. These are hard times. One theme that came up in both conventions is the value of hard work. V.P. Joe Biden said "A job is more that money." He went on to explain that a job gives a person self worth, it brings dignity and pride. I agree completely.

 During this time I also have been out of work. It can make you feel worthless and give you the feeling you have failed. But we haven't, there are 23.5 million others who are in the same boat. Sometimes you feel desperate and scared. We were told in the numbers on Friday over 360,000 people just gave up looking for a job. I am trying not to be one of those numbers.

The country is in bad shape. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor is not going to correct this downturn. So far this seems to be the crux of the President's plan. I do pray for him and other leaders in Congress.

We need a strong man for president, one who understands values, integrity and strength to do the job. Most important, we need a president who is willing to work with the other side. The old saying divided we fall, united we stand still prevails. If the congress remains divided we will fall, united we will stand. The country will not succeed unless the leadership is united. America needs to be united again.

Recently four Secretary of State's of our country made a statement together. Condi Rice, Henry Kissingger, James Baker and George Schults. "WE cannot be a strong American presence, if we are not strong economically." These four recommended Romney for president.

I am praying for America, it's economy, it's presence in the world, but most important for it's people to stand for values, integrity, and strength. May Abraham's Lincoln's words ring in our ears "A house divided against itself CANNOT STAND."

Friday, September 7, 2012

Drew Peterson Guilty! Missing Wife's Hearsay Brings a Conviction

Jurer says the hearsay evidence supplied by Stacy's words convicted Drew Peterson. James Glasgo, prosecutor, said of Peterson he "is a coward and a bully." He also will review Stacy's case and will bring charges. Glasgo continued "he was a thug." "He could threaten people because he had a gun and a badge and nobody ever took him on. Well. we took him on now and he lost."

Prosecutors believed, but were not able to bring to the jury that Peterson used a police choke hold, drowned her, and hit her on the back of her head and tried to make her death look accidental.

Savio's family cried out at the reading of the verdict. Her sister Anna Doman said "I feel like I am dreaming." we were relieved that after all these years, we finally did it. "We got Drew." Savio passed away in 2004.

Stacy was the reason the prosecutors decided to go after Savio's case. When she disappeared it opened the door for Savio. But for Stacy, her family and friends are left with no closure, an open wound that never heals. For them there is no end to the story. My friend, who was a friend of Stacy's said today to pray for Drew and the children.

But Stacy's hearsay evidence brought a conviction and justice for Kathleen Savio and the family. One wife of Drew's called out to the other. Maybe someone will call out for Stacy and help the healing. Our best to the Savio family.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

"He Rode In On A Unicorn and Is Riding Out On A Donkey" Jonah Goldberg - National Review

I had to laugh today when Mr. Goldberg said this to Megyn on Fox in the afternoon. The contrast is striking when you see him elevated amongst Greek pillars at Invesco Field in Denver viewing 80,000 followers and a crowd of 15,000 tonight with paper streamers coming down.

I hope I don't get in trouble for writing this, but how can you not see  the difference.  Then tonight this elusive speech that has little substance, but sounds good until you think, but what did he say? Well, he can't say much. Look at the figures - not good. Median income fell $4,000 a year for the middle class family since 2008. The Nation is 16 Trillion in debt, 43 million on food stamps, 23.5 people unemployed or underemployed. Can he say anything about that ? No.

So, can't mention the economy. Let's try foreign experience, except for helping to establish a fly zone for the ravaged country of Lybia the rest of the Arab spring Nations suffered with little help or leadership on our part. Syria is wore torn, ravaged and people have been brutally killed. Did we listen or turn a ear? No
What about Iran? Except for a few sanctions, Iran has pretty much gone about doing what they wanted to do. Israel?  The President for some reason hasn't even visited Israel.

So, what was left for Biden to talk about? Bin Laden and GM motors. Here V.P. Biden failed to mention GM still owes us 25 Billion dollars. Not counting the dealerships that failed and lost jobs that occurred in the bailout. Will we ever see that? Remains to be seen. And who wants to remember the BP spill we watched day after day, with businesses that are still trying to recover because the cleanup took so long.

It is a pretty dismal record. But if he has just some more time. If we give him one more chance, he can do it. Can we trust him with four more years? The once enchanted have now become the disenchanted. How much more deeper in debt can we go? Economic reports coming out tomorrow and  we don't expect to see much improvement.

I say, Mr President. you've had your chance. We gave you the reins and you have led us down a dark path with no end in sight. Mr. President you have not earned the right to a second term. Time to turn your time card in and the airplane too. It's time for a change, a real change. Hope you don't mind.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rememberances of President Bill Clinton

Tonight brought back a lot of remembrances of the Clinton Era. One thing I was thinking about as he was speaking was 1992-2012. He was elected 20 years ago. I thought about where I was in life and the years that came between. Our children of course where twenty years younger. When he first took office rough times came. Not as hard as now but people were loosing their homes and the economy was scary. It wasn't normal to see stores go out of business like it is now. And it was rough times for the Meyer's.

Talk radio for conservatives was just beginning with Rush Limbaugh and he was the rage. And the air waves were full of Clintonian phrases. And we wondered what we were in for after eight years with Reagan. I tried to explain to our children the differences between Clinton and Reagan.

There were some firsts with Clinton, never before had a president ever been called by his first name. Never before had we had a presidents wife so included in her husbands presidency. Never before had we been told so much about their private lives. Especially that only after a few days in the White House Hillary had thrown a lamp at BILL. Evidently he told her he was going to have to raise taxes when he had pledged no tax increases. They were quick to release it was their lamp not the White House's. Then there was the discussion that they had separate bedrooms. BILL had to announce that he stayed up late and she couldn't get her sleep. This kind of stuff went on for eight years.

The speech tonight was typical Clintonian, but peppered with the Obama phrases that Clinton has swallowed. We must have a share economy. Not enough time to finish what Obama needs to do. One phrase I noticed he has put us on the LONG road to recovery. And one phrase I actually liked "We can't afford to double down on triple down." It is said he has been reading the speech to Hillary for the last two days.  He actually hand wrote the speech himself and left the teleprompter many times which made the speech longer.

All in all it was enjoyable, and brought back some good memories. This is the seventh time Clinton has addressed the Democratic convention. He and Obama walked together leaving the stage.

Michelle Delivered Great Speech But Obama Still Has Failed

Michelle delivered a great speech in defence of her husband. She started out talking about their humble beginnings. The car with rust holes you could see through, the table taken from a dumpster and shoes too small for him to wear. She spoke about what she saw in him that caused her to marry him.

The pulse of her message was delivered passionately and with each point being another step to build her defense of his accomplishments. It was masterfully delivered.

However, her speech cannot protect him from the mistakes he has made during this four years, and the lack of leadership he has provided. I know from having a husband who also was in public service, it's hard to see the mistakes and lacking in leadership. Now looking back I can see clearer there were times he failed, and times he succeeded

But, this president has failed. He has failed in creating jobs partially because he has muzzled the small businessman with too man taxes, rules and over regulations. He has muzzled the ox that is pulling this economy. Nearly half the people who are employed are employed by small businesses.

He has crippled energy growth  by not drilling for oil, and buying our oil from foreign countries even giving them money to drill  oils wells, not wanting the the pipeline, and closing and not letting new coal mines open.

He has not worked across the isle as Michell has stated and has not made one phone call this year to the other side. Is it any wonder Washington is stalemated.

I look forward to hearing President Clinton tonight. I wish Obama would take lessens from him and reach out to the republicans and work with them. Look what was accomplished when that happened. Someone needs to get Washington working again or we will lose the American people and their confidence.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Are the Unions Seperating from the Democrats? First Day of the Democratic Convention

Here we are just hours before the convention and the debt clock just clicked 16 Trillion. Who will pay this.? Our children and our grandchildren. Who are we fighting for? Us, no for them as Obama has put a huge burden on our precious treasures.  Who could go for 4 more years of  this kind of indebtedness.

One group pulling out may be to our surprise the unions. They are pulling out of this election. And many like the AFL-CIO are giving - 0, yes nothing to Obama for this convention. Maybe that is why every stop they go to they preach to the unions. Union activists are not happy with Obama, nor with the choice of Charlotte, North Carolina a right-to-work state.

In 2008 organized labor gave 8.3 million to the Denver convention. The final totals aren't in yet, but it's way down in Charlotte. Charlotte put a ban on collective bargaining for teachers and public workers.

But the main reason is because of Obama has not taken a stand and remaining quiet during the last four years. In fact Julius Getman ,of University ofTexas School of Law, said "His lack of support has been stunning." "He talks a pretty good game, but he has not been good, and hasn't said what he will do."

AFLCIO President Richard Trumpka is even stronger and will not be bringing a large staff to the convention. In fact in a statement he made May 30th Trumpka said "Before we used to build everyone else's structure. Now we build our own." He continued to comment to expect these changes, more door to door work, less TV ads, more towards building their own independent political infrastructure and most important less towards candidates coffer's. This certainly is seen more this week and why Obama seems to be driving himself towards more union votes.

Some people are calling for a third party, a labor party. Kevin Digs of Industrial Works of the World said at a rally "He's done nothing for labor...during the recalling of Gov. Walker, he didn't do a thing."

This just shows some more of the division the president has driven this country to. He came in as a uniter, but has been anything but, dividing friend and neighbor, son and daughter and even the closest of friends. And for some the work place has been the worst. He has not been a uniter, but a divider of the worst kind and the unions give even clearer evidence of this.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Surprise Witness Backfires on Drew Peterson's Defense Team

In a strange twist in the Drew Peterson trial his lawyers called Harry Smith, Kathleen Savio's divorce attorney. It is thought that the defense team wanted to show that the two women only wanted Drew's money. But the questioning turned around to go in favor of Kathleen Drew's {third wife} and Stacy Peterson {Drew's fourth wife}. Could this possibly be the testimony that will convict Drew Peterson?

They called Mr. Smith much to the pleas of Drew Peterson's other defense lawyers not to call him. But Joe Brodsky decided to call him. His decision was to rebute Stacy's pastor Neil Schori who gave devastating testimony that Stacy had come to him and tell him that she had lied to the police about Drew Peterson's slaying of Savio. That Drew had told Stacy that he had killed Kathleen. She also wanted to file divorce papers against her husband. Four days later, after this call Stacy disappeared.

This has been a hearsay trial. In fact, they changed the law, that they could use hearsay evidence for this trial. The judge has allowed some hearsay and not other. There has been much evidence thrown out and other evidence never allowed.  The Jury has bits and pieces of knowledge, but there really should have been more evidence included to make a good decision.The Judge warned the defence team sternly if they called Smith the prosecution would be allowed to cross examine and question about the 8 minute conversation.

Before the testimony, in the hall way reports were that Steve Greenberg was calling Brodsky not to call Smith. It was heard by many that Greenberg said "I've filed 74{***} motions to keep him out and now you are going to undo it."

Stacy called him because she wanted to leave the state and take the children with her. He told her that would not be good for her to do that. She also wanted to go to the police to tell them what Drew Peterson had told her, that he had killed Kathleen. This was not expected by Brodsky. He mearly wanted to show the women wanted Drew's money.  Smith also advised Stacy that would not be good as she had concealed that from the police and now that would be extortion to confess it. During this conversation Drew Peterson could be heard in the background. Smith said  what Peterson said "he called her, asked her what she was doing, and who she was talking to."

Smith testified a second time that Stacy told him "Drew Killed Kathleen." Upon this Joseph Lopez called out "Joel" and Brodsky came back to the defense table and dropped the questioning. But it was too late the jury was taking notes a fervently writing what Smith had just said.

A second twist during testimony by the prosecution Smith said Stacy was also concerned because Drew was upset with her because he thought Stacy had told Drew's son Thomas that his father had murdered Savio. Stacy also told Smith she had so much dirt on Drew from his police job Drew wouldn't be able to do anything to her.

Is it anything but surprising  that Stacy disappeared four days later after this call? This was a witness that backfired on the defense team, but is it enough to convict? As a friend of a friend of Stacy's I have been a little bit closer to this case. I have seen the hurt, tears, and desperation these families have suffered. It has been clearly defined by several family members of Kathleen, she went to the police over and over to get help. But none came  She told her sister several days before her death "I don't want to leave, I don't want to die." She said repeatedly Drew was going to kill her. She told her sister He's going to kill me. Just kill me and get it over with. She even told her sister he will make it look like an accident.

I am hoping there will be a resolution on this so these families, and friends can put some of this to rest for Kathleen. But for Stacy there is no healing, no rest because there still is no body to prove her death. I felt the sting in my heart when a few weeks ago Drew said his wife had just gone away. And more sting when he said if she came back he would divorce her.This remains an open sore with no hope in sight for the answers to make closure.  My heart goes out to my friend and both families.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Controversy Brewing Over Teacher Strike in Chicago D-Day Sept 10th

We have a serious problem brewing in Chicago. The teachers union will strike on September 10th. Today Karen Lewis, president of the teacher's union said "we don't want to close the schools". That is highly unlikely as they asked for a 30% raise last July when they voted to strike. Of course she came back the next day and said we don't really want that much. Negotiations are on the table and Rahm in July said he would offer a 2% pay increase. As you can see that peace will never happen unless someone concedes.

Contingency plans have been drawn up and messages sent out to the parents. One plan is for 145 schools to function for a 1/2 day schedule. Also there will be programs the parents must sign up for, but not just yet.

I have a feeling in my bones negotiations will not happen, but all things are possible.

On top of all this it is rumored Rahm wants to get rid of the CEO of Chicago Public Schools as he is not happy with him. Leaders in Chicago told Clause Brizard he will be blamed by the mayor if the schools strike. Quess Rahm has taken his lessons from the President. It's always someone else's fault. But Rahm is responsible for the situation as he refused a 4% raise and desired longer working days for the children, which has driven us to this point.

Of course Emanuel is denying all of this, spokesperson Sarah Hamilton said, "That couldn't be further from the truth, the mayor has complete confidence in J.C. Kind of feel like I'm in a Boss TV Show.

Talking to neighbors, several have said to me they believe you get a raise when you have done something. They have a point as Chicago schools are amongst the lowest scores in the country.

The strike is set for Sept. 10th and parents are crying out the most important thing is the children and their schooling. Chicago, like most large urban areas as a second problem in that the majority of parents are both working or are single parent homes and have no place to put their children should such a strike occur.

Chicago has it's problems like most large urban cities, but sometimes they seem insurmountable especially when the city is broke.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ten Questions I Would like to Hear Mitt Romney Answer Tonight

Here are ten questions I am hoping Mitt Romney will answer tonight,

If elected,

#1 How soon would you try to repeal Obamacare?

#2 Would you stop stimulus that still has not been spent?

#3 How soon would you have a budget?

#4 Will you be able to stop  new taxes coming the first of the year, & capital gains tax on small businesses?
#5 Will you try to skim down or discontinue programs Obama has started?

#6 Will you get rid of all the Czars? Are there some you would keep?

#7 Would you try to walk back some of the new gun laws?

#8  What are you going to do with Afghanistan?

#9 Do you think we will be at war with Iran soon?

#10 Will you stand completely behind Israel?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How Can It Be?McCain, Condi, Huck & Paul Ryan In One Night

How can it be that four of my favorite people are speaking tonight? And who can speak more for the people of America that these four?

First, Sen John McCain, who I always refer to as my hero. McCain has been a faithful leader and sometime's called the maverick for bucking his party. He has become known for his fight against pork barrel spending and has a 80% lifetime conservative voting record. His influence in the Congress has keep the country going strong in many areas, especially military and foreign affairs. When McCain visits foreign countries they know they have a friend and someone they can trust from America. He lost his bid for the Presidency in 2008 to Barack Obama. This is his last term.

Second, Condi, what can we say about Condi.?Herman Cain said today she is one of the highest black women of achievement in America. Condi was a professor at Stanford when President Bush made a call to her to serve in the White House. She was at his side as a Affairs Advisor and then moved into the Secretary of State position when Collin Powell stepped down. She now is a faculty member of Stanford Graduate School.

And then there's Huck, what a force for conservatism he has become. After also losing his bid for the White House and coming in second to McCain he went on to becoming a forerunner in conservatism. He's also a strong leader in the Christian community, taking stands on family values and abortion. With his Huck Pac and other contributions ie. His books, TV show Huckabee and now Radio show The Huckabee Hour he is heard daily across the nation and growing.

Last, I really look forward to hearing Paul Ryan, with his energizing speeches on economic growth and cutting government spending. He also is a strong supporter of the Tea Party. This I believe is one of the strongest teams to ever take the White House. With Romney's knowledge in the business world and Ryan's economic skills they are going to be a great force working together to bring this country back. I believe in miracles and I believe these two can do the job that needs to be done. But they need our support. They can't do it alone. Here's to a great evening which after last night's speeches will be hard to beat.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Will Ann Romney Make A Difference Reaching the Women's Vote?

Well, here we are at the beginning of the 2012 GOP Convention. I've waited for this time since Nov. 2008. And who better to start if off than Ann Romney the candidates wife. I believe one of the purposes is for Ann to come out swinging for her husband and the women's vote.

Ann Romney was born on April 16, 1949 in Broomfield Hills, Mich. She attended Kingswood School where she started dating a young man named Mitt Romney. We don't know much about Ann but a few things stand out. She is not afraid to go out and stump for her husband. She is not afraid to speak up and defend her husband. And she is not afraid to stand up for women.

In the 2008 presidential campaign Ann was the most visible of all the presidential candidate's wives. She has taken several stands during this election and is quick to defend her husband. She also has a nick name from her five son's. They call her the "MITT-stabilizer, meaning that she has a way of calming Dad down.

A major hit in her life was by a disease name Multiple Sclerocous, diagnosed in 1998. Ann says she started riding horses to help her in her battle against MS. She at this time has no limitations because of the disease. She also has had a battle with a non-invasive form of breast cancer, and is currently cancer free.

On the trail, a writer named Hilary Rosen, slammed Mrs. Romney saying "she has never worked a day in her life." Ann took no time to come back and said  "I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work."

In an article written for the New York times, a spokesperson for the Romney campaign, Andrea Saul said, "The issue is not whether Ann has spent time working outside the home. Of course she did other things than raise a family. The real issue is that women make different choices regarding family and careers, and they should be supported no matter what decision they make. "And to that statement I say a hardy "AMEN."

 I also would like to delcare the "war on women" that President Obama says Romney is waging is no war. In fact, it doesn't exist. It is an make believe war Obama has tried to create to get the women's vote. Today Liz Cheney said " There is no war on women, it's an imagingary war that doesn't exist." She also went on to say she has grown weary of it. Last night on Greta  Liz said "Obama has started a false war on women." And next week in his convention there will be one woman speaker after another to get up and proclaim this false war. I think the viewing public will grow weary of that. They want to hear about the economy and if they will have a job tomorrow.

Ann Romney is a good representative of her  husband and this country that I believe we will hear much from her once in the White House. They will be a good team together.

"Ann Romney's Resume' Includes More Than A Stay- At -Home Mother" April 12,2012 New York Times
Facts taken about Mrs Romney were from Wikipedia

Monday, August 27, 2012

We Bought Our First TV To Watch The Moon Walk

Saturday with the passing of Neil Armstrong brought back a memory of our early years of marriage. Our first apartment cost $75.00 a month. When we read about the moonwalk we talked about a TV. Too expensive my new husband said. He was currently going to Bible college and I was committed to getting him through. There were few frills. We received no help from parents or the government. We debated that week the necessity and importance of a TV. We were rarely home and we had no money. Did I say no money.  We considered hot dogs an extravagance.

That day my husband called from downstairs to make room for a TV in the living room. I went to the banister and saw a TV. I was shocked. I said how did you get that? With a grin on his face he said he found it for $10.00 at a used furniture store.

We sat staring speechless at the TV when Neil Armstrong said his now famous words, "One small step for man, on giant step for mankind." We couldn't believe we were looking at the surface of the moon. We couldn't believe we had our own TV.

For two newlyweds it was quite an evening. And the TV helped through long evenings when my young husband worked nights. Those were hard years but we made it through.

But the space program was cut recently and people laughed at Newt when he talked about a moon colony. But, in essence Newt is right, America needs to remain in space exploration. We need to be one of the stars in the race and as Neil Armstrong said it was a giant step for mankind that needs to continue.

Friday, August 24, 2012

It's Been Awhile - But I'm Still Here.

You haven't heard from me for awhile. Mostly physical problems and other ailments have prevented me. While these serious conditions are still accruing I am going to continue writing when able. Less about me and more about this historic election.

With the decision of Mitt Romney choosing Paul Ryan we have seen new energy and an awakening to the election. The decision has changed the electoral map and new swing states are emerging. Although the President is ahead he has lost nearly half the lead he had a few weeks ago. And signs coming here from Chicago is that there is commotion and confusion going on inside the Obama campaign. Maybe even some fear and definitely the Republicans have the excitement going on. Of course, Joe Biden doesn't help the Pres. much either. Even Reince invited the Vice-pres to the convention with good seats because Biden has helped our side a lot lately.

I am looking forward to the convention. One thing about Romney we have learned. If he feels he is not doing everything right, he will look to someone who will. In otherwords, he is not afraid to bring someone in who can help the country, even if he feels he is not doing  everything just right at the time. Which shows Romney has the ability to lead, and find the right person for that position. He carefully thought through every thing in making his decision on Ryan. Which shows his managerial foresight to be careful to make the right decision. These are two attributes we have not seen for the last four years. A President with the ability to lead and manage a situation.

Here's to a great convention and a even greater victory on Nov. 6th.

Monday, April 9, 2012

It's Not Easy To Walk by Faith When Your Out Of Work

During this time I have been out of work I have been put to the test of walking by faith. This test is not for the faint of heart. You will have many difficulties and trials.

First you must master the Jobs Boards. No longer do you walk into a store and fill out a application. I first encountered this before Christmas when a manager said the only way she could read my resume' was through the computer. The first application and resume' took me several days as I could not even remember my work experience. Hint - {I started working in 1966.}

Several days latter I finally triumphed and filled out almost 20 pages for one job, only to be told when I went back to the store that they we hiring back their college age people for Christmas.

This was only the beginning of my journey through the dark black hole of the job boards. Next, with frustration I headed out and just went into stores filling out applications and giving them my resume.

Finally coming to my wits end I saw a company on the TV and walked in the next day and asked them if they were hiring. To my surprise they said "yes".

Later, three weeks later their name appeared on my caller ID

Still, it really isn't full time work. I finally have realized where our President has lead this country, because 13 million others are with me in this walk of faith and desperation.

Little does it seem he know or cares, with 16 vacations and hundreds of campaign fund raisers, I am convinced that he is not spending too much time on this. Perhaps I seem a little sharp in my assessment, but it is me who has to come up with the monies to exist. Thankfully there have been several who have helped me on my journey or my story could be worse. Nor is it yet over.

Today I read 88 million are not now in the work force. God Bless them and may God please help our country to get back on it's feet.