Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Will the Real Romney Please Stand Up?

There is no question Romney won tonight. But how much more do we really know about him? The same problem he had in 2008 is resurfacing. Questions as to how liberal is he? We know the state where he was governor Romneycare was his signature project even though now he is playing it down.  Although he is trying to paint himself as a fiscal conservative it's hard for him to get his feet in those conservative shoes. There is a reason he just can not get the polls to show he is the clear winner. And some of the same issues are repeating, he sounds plastic, too polished, and not like a real person. You walk away from him asking who is the real Romney? Will the real Romney please stand up?

Perry's problem is he is not showing himself as a good debater. Whether he is freezing up, or not able to get the facts out, or whatever it is, it is clearly hindering his candidacy. We can see from his record he created far more jobs in Texas than any candidate on the floor. And he has a fairly good record of conservatism in cutting taxes and growing jobs. Anyone with that record should be the front runner.

We still do not know that much about the Hermanator, he is interesting, says things most people only think and takes some pretty good stands on conservative principles, but 999 has a lot of problems. It raises taxes. On a family of three making $50,000 a year they will be taxed several thousand more, which will eliminate the Bush tax cuts. A vat tax of 9% will be on everything you buy. That is an extra tax we don't even have right now. This plan does not really display conservative ideals. As more economist study it, it has more and more problems, and more taxes for us.

The only true debater on the floor is Newt, but these sessions with short answers cramp his style and he can't show his true colors. He probably has more solutions to job creation than any of them on the floor tonight.

It's not that I am against any of them, I'm not for them either and thousands of other conservatives who are looking at these same candidates. But one of these men in the front is more than likely our next president and I will vote no matter who gets the nomination because we can't have four more of what we have been through. And I will stand strongly for that nomination, that candidate whoever it may be.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Disagree With Rush...

Rush said today that Republicans don't want a conservative. That is the reason they can't find a candidate. That is opposite of what the problem is. They can't find a candidate that is conservative enough. The American people do want a conservative, but they don't see one. People are more aware than ever of conservatism. It's been talked about, written about, more than ever the last two years.

But what is before us. Conservatives? Not really? So far the only true conservative is Bachmann. She actually understands what it means.

Look at Romney, is he a conservative? Not really. Romneycare is costing the people of his state more than they have ever spent on health care.

Do they see it in Perry? No. He was one of the five states that took the largest amount of stimulus money to save his state. Does that sound like a conservative?

Cain has a flat tax, but he still has an income tax. The idea of the flat tax is to get rid of the income tax. They are just being taxed more.

Even if Christie comes into the race, he believes very similar to what Perry believes about immigration.

The problem is these three top candidates are not conservative enough. I'm not sure even politicians understand conservatism.  Even if they tout conservatism during their campaigns, they spend like crazy once they get in.

Americans want a conservative that cuts spending, cuts government, and cuts illegal immigrants. Is there one out there? I am beginning to wonder.

We're done with moderate Republicans who make themselves conservatives on the stump, and then spend like there is no tomorrow once they get in.

For once we aren't going to have the wool pulled over our eyes. Where looking for a conservative. Is there one out there?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm Gaining Confidence in the GOP Presidential Election

The more of these debates we have the more confidence I have that we are going to win in 2012. Some say why so many candidates? The more candidates we have the more ideas we have to get this nation back on it's feet and running again. For the first time today I saw the headline "Is Obama the Underdog?" Two and a half years ago with his high ratings you would never think to see something like that in print.

There were highlights in the debate many made by Newt, this was his night for one liners. Megyn Kelly asking him if he could answer the question, and Newt responding, not if you ask the question that way.

Romney was more on his feet, he is gaining confidence in his debating and learning to avoid the Healthcare questions. Second half Perry came in that Romney was two sided. A good point but it didn't come out clearly like it should have. Romney realizing he had the upper hand slammed Perry on Social Security. Second time in the evening he came in scoring. Romney takes a great stand on Israel.

Best laugh of the night by Gary Johnson " My Neighbor's 2 dogs have created more shovel ready projects than the president."

The most heart felt moment when Herman Cain described his fight with cancer, explaining private health care companies saved his life. His 9/9/9 is gaining interest and his answer the main thing we need to get this country back on track, leadership!

Bachmann didn't get many questions for some reasons, in my opinion she needs to talk about more things than Obamacare.

Santorum was the other candidate who had a better night, making strong stand on staying in Iraq and Afghanistan until we win.

A second round at Perry when they came in on him about illegals getting college tuition we can't get for our own children.

Romney will not call Obama a socialist, who is he trying to win there? He was the winner tonight, but did he have enough to knock Perry off his crumbling pedestal?

The debate was good, however I still do not know who I'm going to vote for, nor if I really learned that much more in the debate.

Monday, September 12, 2011

447 Trillion To Be Added To Super Committee's Spending

Well, you had to know the money has to come from somewhere. The president has added a new load on the committees shoulders. 447 Trillion dollars to provide jobs and other spending to aid the governments overburdened load. Who would have thunk it? I did. My first question and everyone else's was where is the money coming from? This bankrupt, debt laden government, heck no? But only Obama would have the nerve to try it. and oh the cry from the left if the super committee doesn't do it.

Sen Rob Portman " It appears President Obama is once again abdicating responsibility for his plan, pushing it off on the deficit reduction committee.

I don't know about you but this quickens my ire. This will increase the 1.5 trillion-which the president presented to the super committee in August and raise it 447 Billion more making it 2 Trillion dollars. Now we need to do 2 Trillion in cuts to make the balance needed to reduce the deficit.

Again Portman said "I had hoped he would have gone in the opposite direction, which is to reduce the deficit and the debt, rather than add to it.

Could we think anything less of our fearful leader? Now we know how WE WILL pay for the presidents proposal.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happycamper is Becoming a Little Happier

I'm starting to get a little happier with Gov. Rick Perry entering the race. Things are looking better on the GOP side. Last nights debate showed a stronger positive side, a more motivated group of presidential hopefuls. I enjoyed the back and forth between Romney and Perry which started out almost immediately showing the evening was going to have some fire. With Bachmann and Newt also in the mix, and Newt keeping everyone straight.

Romney and Perry are the top winners, according to the polls today, with Perry at 27% and Romney at 22%. Bachmann and Newt showed a good second string in case something should happen to Romney or Perry along the presidential trail.

Romney is strong with facts and figures for economic growth showing his mind power with no notes nor teleprompter needed. Perry showse his strength by standing strong on what he believes especially about social security.

Bachmann reassured her belief in getting rid of Obamacare, but said it would take more than wavers to dismantle the monstrosity of a bill. Newt is keeping everything straight, including the press and shared some facts and figures of his own. If the winner of the race to the white house doesn't use this man on his team they will be loosing a great asset to a new administration.

All in all I am a little more happier than I was a few months ago. I still don't know who I will vote for but I am definitely a happy camper at this time.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Will President Obama be Evacuated?

"National weather authorities URGENT ALERT - Hurricane Irene has taken a nasty turn. Authorities say it is likely to be the most destructive hurricane to hit the Northeast corridor of U.S. in decades."

First the President"s golf game was interrupted by an earthquake, now Irene will hit the coast Saturday. Could the President be forced to evacuate?

180,000 residents and tourists are now being evacuated for N.C coast. 27 naval ships are leaving ports including Norfolk in northern Virginia. 9 other ships have already left and 28 ships remaining are to be secured. It is also good to have these ships out as they can come in and help also after the storm has lessened.

Thursday Irene hit the Bahama's as a Category 3 with winds of excess of 115 mpg. It is thought Irene will turn into a Category 4 with winds in excess of 131mpg as it hits the eastern seaboard.

Bridges are also a concern especially the Bonner Bridge, built in 1963 to last 30 years. The bridge is used by 2,000,000 cars a year and the only way to reach Hatteras Island.

The storm is thought to reach New York as a Category 1 {winds surpassing 74 mph.} The main concern for New York is the flooding.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Republicans Are Alive And Fiery In Debate

It was a passionate and spirited group of candidates showing their desire to see the country get back on track and sharing their ideas of how to get there.

The most impassioned and knowledgeable in job creation and dealing with a stalled Congress was Newt Gingrich. He also laid out his displeasure of the debt commission, his conviction of it's worthlessness and even stated the stupidity of the plan by saying "as dumb and idea as Washington has come up with."

Best answer from Michele Backmann was her gotcha question "Would you as President submit to your husband?" She responded that she and her husband respected each other. Great answer and took the steam away from the press who always have this type question for those who claim Christianity.

Pawlenty and Bachmann duked it out with Pawlenty taking the charge, who has the most to lose this weekend if he does not come come close to the top. Pawlenty went after what he calls Bachmann's non-existant record saying "Bachmann's record of accomplishment results is non-existant." He also claims "Bachmann has a record of making false statements." Bachmann followed with a volley of remarks stating she has lead many causes including ten thousand to the capital on Obamacare.  Then handing out to the press documents reporting Pawlenty's  record.

Pawlenty made strong statements on his stand for Israel and his disdain for Obama's turncoat approach in dealing with Israel, saying "We should stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel-they are our friends." On Afghanistan he said. "The fight in Afghanistan is worth it, listen to Petraeus. No draw down based on Barack Obama's campaign calendar."

Mitt Romney came out in defense in what is called Obamneycare, "I based it on he 10th amendment" explaining he felt it should come under the states supplying health care and not the federal government.
There is disappointment that the candidates did not go after the front runner more, leaving him there standing and smiling a lot and unscathed as the evening went along.

The non-existant candidate was Rick Perry hanging over everyone as the new star to the contest, but being referred to several times.

The funniest candidate was Herman Cain in response to the question "was he serious about the 20' foot barbed-wired electrical fence? He responded, " Lighten up America, America has got to learn to take a joke."

Rand Paul stirred his close followers to the tune we must get out of all these wars. A cry that is being heard more and more as Americana's are growing weary of a ten year war.

All in all it was pretty fair debate, but I came away with pretty much the same knowledge I already knew about the candidates. It was fun to watch.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Another Milestone our 43rd Wedding Anniversary - August 10th

Today would have been our 43rd wedding anniversary. Unlike some people we still dressed and went out for our special day. I was always wanting to go out on the day if possible. So far today has been hard for me.  Each year we would get excited to think we were really get up there, saying to the naysayers yes it will last. 

I have learned on these milestone days to keep busy, not to dwell too hard on the loss.

I remember so much about this day. It rained all day, very unusual for Colorado, the morning going well for me and he arrived with a box in the afternoon. I was excited, what did he get me on our wedding day? I opened the box, it was filled with about 50 shirts. Yes,  he brought me his laundry, saying the dorm had to be emptied out.  I asked him why so many shirts?  He said he just kept buying them instead of washing. I soon learned he was a man who liked to dress and I still have about 50 of his suits in the house. I asked him to leave and not come back until the wedding. I was not very happy with him.

I was dressed at the church and waiting for the photographer. He arrived but without the guest book, part of my picture plan. It was still early so I asked him to go get the book. Bad mistake. We waited and waited. One guest came into the room and asked me if the groom had not arrived. I had an announcement made the wedding would be slightly delayed, forgetting that we were taping the ceremony.

Tha photographer arrived and the wedding proceeded, thankfully without any more cliche's. However later when we played the tape we had about 45 minutes of organ music and the tape ended before the vows.

We had the reception afterwards. I had ordered a caked with dark blue flowers draping down the cake. People said I never saw a cake with such dark colors before. The baker said it was different and I might have trouble with the dark blue colors. I really didn't know what he was talking about until I noticed when people were talking they had blue teeth. It became the talk of the evening.

Leaving the church, still raining, our car was brought to us of course filled to the top with papers. We struggled to get in and then my new husband turned on the lights and the horn went off. Of course if you honked the horn the lights came on. Loosing it a little my husband said we can't drive without lights. Of course everyone was standing outside the car laughing. I got out and ran across the parking lot and grass to the house in the rain. My husband said I was a striking figure running through the rain in my wedding dress.

We drove to the Springs and got there about two in the morning totally exhausted 43 years ago today.

I would like to say to the man who teased me if the groom was there, he didn't leave me at the alter and he stuck with me for 42 years.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Standard and Poor Punts a Blow to the U.S Economy

Whatever you might think downgrading of the U.S. credit was a blow to the economy. Saying that the spending plan that sprung finally from Congress didn't make the grade. The atempt they made to raise the nation's borrowing limit wasn't high enough to offset the deficit spending.

Standard and Poor said "The downgrade reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the governments medium-term-debt- dynamics."

Moody Investors Service and Fitch Rattings also has said a downgrade is possible if Congress doesn't reduce the debt.

S&P could also make another downgrade on April 18th of Congress does not reach a deficit reduction plan by 2013 that cuts an additional 4 Trillion dollars.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Debt Ceiling Reduction Bill's "Super" Committee Has a Lot of Power

Here we go again with another you have to pass the bill in order to know what is in the bill. One of the reason's Washington is broken, bills are not being handled the normal way they should be handled. The Democrats could have passed a raised debt ceiling bill before the elections and it would have passed with little fanfare with them controlling the house and senate. But waiting to the very end seems to be the norm lately. Causing us to skirt the normal routine of bills going to committees and coming back around to be amended and such. There was really no need for this to come down to the last minute like it did. It is getting a little tiresome to have these emerging problems, a quick vote, and the leaving for vacation for five weeks and not really even knowing what is in the bills. But the "super" committee as it is called is going to come under more scrutiny as people begin to realize what it is all about.

Now we are finding a committee that has more power than Congress it self - as there can be no amendments and the committee can do almost anything it wants.. The committee is based upon a 1990 plan when they closed the military bases. The then named independent Base Realignment and Closure committee could be a fast track Congressional vote to close the bases.  Closures of bases became the law unless Congress passed what was called a resolution of disapproval.

The committee will also have a fast track to the floor, little debate, no filibusters and a simple majority in the Senate to pass. There are few restrictions on the committee.

The committee is thought to be used for cutting spending. Certain triggers will go into effect if the Committee does not act in time.The triggers are called a sequestration process designed to stop a stalemate. Now if the committee finds no agreement automatically a cut goes in on domestic and defense programs to be cut by 1.2 Trillion starting in 2013.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Bill Nobody Likes

We'll congress finally did it, they passed a bill nobody likes. There is a mixture of emotion and even anger by some. Even the Tea Partier's are divided on the bill. The President said yesterday it was messy. And Reid blames those extreme Tea Party people, you know the ones who want to follow the Constitution and keep taxes down

Michele Bachmann said when she left the floor "Well, I was sorry it passed."

Republicans said they were unhappy because they felt it would cut defense too much. Other Republicans said there needed to be deeper cuts.

Other's said it was called compromise.

Many are unhappy about the 12 member committee and giving them cart blanch with no way to control them.

Others said it should work with the triggers in place called sequestration that causes mandatory cuts across the board if the committee does not function as it should. Of course that depends on who are the ones defining if they are functioning as they should.

Sound confusing, well it is. It's called compromise. And it was done this way to stop the country from defaulting, if they stopped it from defaulting.

Only time will tell how effective the bill actually is.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Will the Controversial Bill Fix the Problem?

President Obama says "This process has been messy. It's taken far too long. A real understatement in my opinion as the leaders of our country have known for a long time this was coming, but decided to ignore it until now. But none the less it is silly to as the say cry over spilt milk. This is where we are now.

The bill has been highly controversial and divisive for our country and will be for a long time coming. Why we are here we can debate forever, but how we got here will be forever inbeted in our minds. Endless and thoughtless spending on irrelevant and needless projects for congressmen to look good to their voters. And we the voters being as bad receiving and wanting these extravagant and sometimes even frivolous projects. As a famous President said "the buck stops here," but the last three or four presidents forgot that principle and fell also to the whims of the people.

Now our children and grandchildren and beyond must pay for our indulgences.

Congress"s back is literally against the wall. and the debt wall is high. Neither do we know if the "fix " will fix the problem. Will the remedy be strong enough, can the dosage be the right levels to stop the problem and cease the country from default and lowering of it's credit rating? We don't really know. 

America, we have learned a very hard lesson. The spending has to end in order to save America. The question is have we learned the lesson?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Each Day You Think It Can't Get Any Crazier, But It Does

After yesterday's commotion between the two parties, you think if can't get worse, but it does. Debt Ceiling talk is finally reaching Wall Street with a 200 point drop Wednesday, when news came that House and Senate proposals were short of their goals.

And if hat isn't bad enough, Reid and  53 Senate Democratic members, including two independents, sent a letter to Boehner that they will vote their bill down.

If the bill passes today Reid will either vote it down or send it back for amendments. Boehner needs 217 votes to pass his bill. There is still time to get the bill to the President, but will Reid kill the bill is the question? 

Both bills have the additional joint member committee, which has an up side and a downside. This committee can cut spending, but it can also raise taxes. Giving the Congress a new credit card, to raise taxes, without a filibuster or an amendment.

Reid's plan has cuts $2.2Trillion in ten years, but a large amount of this is the ending of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Republicans call this a "gimick" rather than a tax cut.

Or after all this will the President veto Boehner's bill if it passes anyway. Or worse yet use the 14th Amendment declaring the debt ceiling void.

All in all this week and next can be one tail spin after another and could continue until Congress goes on vacation in two weeks.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Somethings Rotten in Washington

Something smells in Washington, something isn't ringing true. While the White House keeps declaring default, the bottom is falling the bottom is falling, Wall Street isn't. It has been on a steady climb during this entire debate.

Could it be someone is lying to us to scare us, and could that someone be the President himself. Secretly to the side he has been reassuring the banks that default will not occur, while scaring the American people with this imaginary Aug. 2 deadline.

Carlie Gasparino said today on Fox News to Martha MacCullum "We know we don't have to default." "Why do thy keep bringing it up when they don't  have to default?"

And yet we can see the steady climb on Wall Street everyday. Is there something they know, that we don't know? Like a default really isn't that close to happening? Scaring us so that they can get their grand deal through? Why are they talking out of both sides of their mouth? If they keep up the scare tactics they can cause a massive sell out of stocks and the administration can say see we need to raise the debt ceiling and taxes in order to keep things going.

Like Mediscare, could they be just scaring us with something that isn't that close to happening to get their way? Somethings rotten in Washington

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I've Been Left at the Alter - President Obama

This debate over the debt ceiling has left us to see clearly the sharp division between the White House and the Congress. We have this strong difference, the President refusing to eliminate raising taxes and raising the debt ceiling and the Republicans wanting cuts equivalent to the raising of the debt ceiling. You  wonder if they can reach a compromise.

Is it any wonder the country is in such a mess. If they can' reach a compromise on this how can they work together on a far greater problem, creation of jobs?  And who hangs in the middle - us.  We are the ones suffering, out of work, and loosing even more jobs.

But that is not the immanent issue before us. Boehner left the talks Friday because he said "It is the President who walked away from his agreement and demanded more money at the last minute." President Obama countered with  "I've been left at the alter now a couple of times."

One thing unfortunately for us they have agreed on, to the raising of the age of eligibility for Medicare from 65 to 67.

What is clear we must cut the Governments credit cards and stop the spending. Something most Republicans see, and many Dems failing to face. Some even saying we must spend more money to help the recession.

The only way we are going to get an agreement and reach a compromise, we will have to increase debt limit and raise some taxes in order to get the tax cuts the Republicans want. It seems easy to us on the outside, but to those in the meetings it is worlds apart. There will be no passage with out this compromise. The debate continues.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dancing with the Devil - Gang of Six Plan called McConnel-Reid Plan

No wonder the President said earlier this week good news, we are reaching a compromise. Believe me it is no compromise. The new plan is called the McConnel - Reid Plan and Republicans are cutting a deal with the devil.

Here is some insight into the bill. McConnel - Reid Plan will give the President power to raise the debt ceiling to $2.5 Trillion over the course of the next year without Congressional Majority.

Then it will back load $1.5 Trillion in spending cuts over the next ten years.

A new committee will be created to report a plan to Congress by end of year - a new way to make tax increases.

Washington Post reports "The panel will require only a simple majority to report plan to Congress, be protected from filibuster, and will not be subjected to amendments.

Rep. Allen West " The quote - unquote McConnel-Reid Plan is no plan. That's the acquiescence of the responsibility of our Congress. It's nothing but the typical D.C. two step, and I am not going to be part of it."

Sen Marco Rubio "The way the deal is currently structured right now...it gives the president, the ability to raise the debt limit, but as I have said already on the program, the debt limit's not really the problem. The problem is the debt."

Sen. Jim DeMint "It basically says you can raise the debt limit, but we don't have to vote for it. It's like leaving the jail door open and looking the other way, then saying it's not our fault."

On Tuesday the "Gang of Six" unveiled a 1 Trillion tax increase in the debt plan.

Is it any wonder Obama said good news - Republicans are already giving into the new deal which in reality is a new way to raise taxes.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Buck Reigns Here - President Obama

The President truly showed his colors yesterday when he threw Social Security under the bus to get his 4 Trillion dollar debt level raised. And to make the Republicans look like they are the problem.

Unfortunately it didn't work, as we can clearly see this is dirty politics at it's best. It truly shows his makeup inside, anything to get his win. He is utterly convinced he needs this 4 Trillion dollars to keep the country going.

It is also the worst kind of economics. When we max our credit cards we don't get a letter from our credit company saying because your credit card is maxed we are going to raise your limits to make things better for you. It sounds elementary but if you raise a persons limit they will only spend more and crash their credit.
It's a humble illustration but true, ten times in the last ten years congress has increased the limit when we came to this crisis.  4 Trillion more on the national debt will absolutely bury or children and grandchildren.

There are those that say, just raise the limit. what does it matter? It matters to me one who is fighting daily to save this country for their future. The President needs this to keep running his overspending government until after the elections, pure and simple.

Truman had a plaque on his desk "The Buck Stops Here." The plaque on Obama's desk should read the "Buck Reigns Here."

Thursday, July 7, 2011

After the Press-a- Phobia is over - Casey Anthony

After all the press-a-phobia is over I feel the same way I did after the OJ trial. The same thing is happening, after the OJ trial, after all the spin and high level experts are gone you are left with the same main factor. If Casey didn't do it, who did?

Obviously from the evidence someone from the house because of the unusual duct tape. And what about the smell from the car. Only one thing smells like a dead body, a dead body. It is becoming apparent that these defense lawyers are becoming very good at getting their clients off. I myself after hearing the defense lawyer was swaying as to whether there was enough evidence to convict. But if you look at the prosecutions summation he hit the nail on the head. The thinking of our society also part of the problem, not willing to accuse unless you have everything blatantly before you showing guilt. It is obvious even from the circumstantial evidence that Casey had something to do, either directly or indirectly, with the child's death.

Like OJ she will walk, but a cloud of darkness will hang over her the rest of her life. A cloud of doubt if you will. And like OJ who else is there to look at. A little two year old's justice has failed. But also like OJ will her lying eventually catch up with her.

It is a hard pill to swallow, but for now she is free.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Is it Morally Right to Use Drone Attacks Anywhere We Wish?

Are we now entering our sixth war? But who's counting? We have been using drones in Afghanistan and Iraq for a long time. But now they have been extended to Pakistan, Libya, Yemen and now Somalia. Apparently we can go anywhere we feel there are al-Qaeda, or their friends, and drop a drone on them, even in countries where we have not declared war. Or declared a non war like Libya, or no longer call for a victory, but a success according to the President's speech yesterday. The lines are getting greyer and greyer.

Last week we dropped drones on al-Qaeda operatives in Somalia making our territory now involving Somalia. The attack was actually against al-Shabab who it is believed they are co-ordinating with al-Qaeda. At Panetta's hearing to confirm him as CIA director, he said we are even looking at targets beyond Somalia.

It does make a mark on Obama as he once declared "I am the most anti-war candidate." Often complaining about Bush getting us into two wars. At least with Bush we knew kind of what he was going to do. But with Obama he drops drone attacks where ever he wants. I wonder why other countries don't trust us? Not thinking about is this morally right to drop these attacks on possible innocent civilians. What are we becoming America? Is this also a part of our sick society, that we can do whatever we want under the canopy of the terrorist war, or kinetic operation, or what ever we call it now? Pretty concerning.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Obama's Speech - Lays Hard on Republicans

The President lays it at the feet of the Republicans that it is their fault on no compromise on the Debt Reduction Plan. By not wanting to raise taxes once again on the rich, especially those with jet planes. Not talking much about how much he flies around with our jet plane, Air Force One. And to go after the oil companies by taking away subsidies. But that would only come back on tax payers to pay for discovery and reproducing of oil products

Asking about the Libyan war the President said he would not use the word victory for a win, but rather the word success. Either way just tell us you will lead us to a win in Afghanistan!!

Instead of talking about increasing small business he talks of infrastructure jobs such as roads and bridges, which God knows we need, but growing the government bigger and the government providing jobs will only put us in a deeper hole.

He did finally admit that regulations were harming the small business man and did speak of more monies to help them get a start. That comes out of our pocket also.

All in all he pretty much blamed the Republicans for not reaching a compromise, and called both sides irresponsible for not reaching a ending to the problem sooner, siting his children did better doing their homework. Maybe he could spend a little less time on the golf course himself, and the 35 campaign stops to raise money didn't help either. I don't think it would hurt him to spend more time either on this national problem.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Afghanistan Withdrawal-10,000 by Christmas

After ten years in Afghanistan all of us are wanting to leave. But is it too much too soon? Gen Petraeus has done a great job and really wanted more time to work his plan, and even the President admits this. But we have been there a long time and have only control of one tenth of the country. 1,500 of our precious treasure's have given their all and we have only praise and honor to give to them. We do not want their sacrifice to go to waste.

It is concerning, if we withdraw too soon, and allow Taliban to come back in and take control. The speech did seem political especially when the 33,000 will be withdrawn by September 2012. Right before the election. He is beginning to get pressure from the people as 56% want troops out. It is also interesting that 57% said it was good we went in. 

The battle to many is not yet won, and think it is too soon to talk withdrawal. That we are literally pulling the rug out from under Gen. Petraeus. It has a similar ring to it as the President also declared an end to the war in Iraq and yet we still have 100,000 troops in Iraq. He says we need to end the war responsibly, but other's say more important to end it successfully. We pulled out in the 80's under Reagan and war lords took over, and eventually Taliban came in.

Is the President looking out for himself politically or for us? Withdrawing before Petraeus is ready could be a serious mistake. Only time will tell. But for the time being 10,000 troops will be home for Christmas.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Is Kenneth Melson, ATF Acting Director the Sacrificial Lamb?

Is Kenneth Melson, acting director of Bureau Of Tobacco, Alchohol and Firearms {ATF} the one to take the blame for the now known Program of the Federal Government Operation Fast and Furious? Which sold 2,000 guns to the underground market , which in turn sold the guns to  Mexico's drug cartels? After being questioned they were not able to get an answer the other day in Congress, nor will we probably get to know the answer soon.

A bad idea that worsened when it became known that Patrol Agent Brian Terry's death was connected to  Project Gunrunner, a sister program to Operation Fast and Furious. We now know that more than 150 shootings are connected to these programs and that the government has divulged that they really don't even know where 2/3rds of the guns are.

Rep. Darrell Issa compared the scandal to Iran/Contra during the Reagan presidency.

By letting Melson take the rap, unless he talks, the public will have to be satisfied with the sacrificial lamb. And we may never know how far up the chain this went. This from the President who glowingly proclaimed in his run for the presidency, we will be the most transparent administration.

The President said in March. "There may be a situation here where a serious mistake was made. If that's the case then we will hold somebody accountable."

I doubt we will soon know the real truth as to who issued the Program Operation Fast and Furious, and for the moment we may have to be appeased by the sacrificial lamb who has been brought to make the atonement for some one's sins.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day - Another Day of Rememberance

I have for some time now been trying to think what are we going to do for Father's Day. How do you celebrate Father's day without him? And what are we going to do for Father's Day? I have to admit the last few weeks I have been a little down thinking about he isn't here, and we can't go a buy 
him anything.

Actually, I was thinking he's probably at peace and glad after all the father's day presents we have tried to give him. You have to admit, sometimes men are hard to buy for. Usually when I would bring it up he would say just get me some new underwear. Now, that is something I refuse to buy for a present. So, it became a joke between us. The kids would say, Mom, just buy him what he wants. It would be a few weeks after Father's day and I would find my gift stuffed away in a drawer. Him not wanting to tell me I didn't hit what he really wanted. I admit, I do have my list of failures. The spinning tie rack that took an hour to put up and broke immediately. Is it my fault he had over a hundred ties? And I still have them. The little containers I would buy for him to put is stuff in and he never used.The electric buffer for his shoes that didn't buff. One year I actually hit one and he said he actually liked it. I fell over. He said, I actually can use this and I like it. It was a mustache trimmer. I really didn't want to buy that, but that is what he wanted. The truth, what I wanted was for him to trim the mustache off. That didn't happen either.

Whatever you do be thankful if you still have your father and husband. Make sure to spend time with him and tell him you love him. That's all he really wants. Your visit or call, you can't give him anything greater.

Thank you my husband for all the years of love and support you gave your family. For instilling christian principles in our children that make them such strong people today. And most of all to teach them to serve God and put him first in your life. Happy Father's Day

Friday, June 17, 2011

Why Obama visited Puerto Rico - Florida, Florida, Florida

The President has studied his maps well and knows he cannot win the election with out the Florida vote. So he is going the extra mile and went to Puerto Rico. Not since 1961 when President John Kennedy went there has a president visited. Kennedy went there for another reason. But the Puerto Rican vote has always been a high denominator in Presidential elections.

There are 800,000 Puerto Ricans living in Florida, and they are not like the Puerto Ricans in the north, these in Florida can and do switch their vote often. Voting is very important with Puerto Ricans.

Not until election night 2012 will we find out if this extra effort paid off, but I am sure it made difference to some and may swing the vote his way, and could make a difference. This state right now it is not clear which way it will go, and will be pivotal in 2012.

Monday, June 13, 2011

New Hampshire Vote Crucial For Romney Campaign

A lot hangs in the balance for Mitt Romney tonight. New Hampshire is a keystone to his presidential election. Some say if he loses the Granite state primary again his campaign will fail.

The voters are not quite as picky this time around for the presidential election.  Most say no matter what we must beat Obama. For many this means they will vote for the front runner. Right now this is Romney's advantage. Even though he has the lowest percentage of the vote of any previous Republican front runner. His primary experience is his economic background and job creation ability. This is what the American public are, of course, most interested in this time around.

His Achilles heel of course is Romneycare, which closely resembles Obamacare. If he would renounce it his chances would rise, but he stands behind it.

This debate should be more interesting as we now have the heavyweights in, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rep Ron Paul. former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Senator Rick Santorum, and Georgian businessman Hermain Cain. John Huntsman decided not to come.

There still is a lot of concern that the candidates present a weak field, that remains to be seen. One who is a sleeper but could creep up is Tim Pawlenty. He is slowly coming up as more people hear him speak and learn his record. It is still anybodies party. And as one person put it, we still don't know who the American people will chose to send to the prom.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

History of My Car's Accidents

Here is a brief history of my cars accidents. I might say before we got this car I never had an accident. That's why I say, it's the car.

First accident I backed into the church doors. I tried to straighten the car out, but that didn't work so I backed up and hit the doors again. My husband just stood there watching, when I got done and had finally got the car going, a kid standing by my husband said "I could have done better than that."

Second accident I was on I-94 headed for the Taste of Chicago. I was going about 60 mph when a thud came from the back of the car. I thought it was a tire blew or something like that. Then my daughter said, Mom I think that truck hit us. And that is what happened. There was so much traffic we couldn't even stop or get next to the edge of the road and the truck just kept driving. He hit us pretty hard, but fortunately I was able to maintain control of the car.

Third accident I was at a May Kay meeting. I came out and backed up and heard this crunching sound. I stopped. I never saw the car. It was a Directors car. Yes, I back into a pink Cadillac. These three accidents happend very close to each other. My body shop man said it was a secret between him and me. His lips were sealed.

Forth accident I went down town to a Karl Rove Book signing. Why he had it downtown I will never know. I knew I was in trouble when there were protester's outside the building. This prevented me from finding the garage to the building. I decided to find city parking. A few blocks away I saw a door, I drove up and honked like they told me to. I went inside and the garage went immediately down and the road curved. I tried to find a spot. It did  look close. Did I mention there were a lot of pillars . Yes, I hit the pillar. An attendant came and was yelling for me to stop. Did I hear him no. I tried to pull the car out of the spot and yes, hit another pillar. Now two or three attendants were yelling at me. They begged me to get out of the car and let them drive. I conceded. I still have the Karl Rove markings on my car. I show them to people, that is from when I went to see Karl Rove.

Fifth accident I hit a car from behind. I came down a hill. Two cars at a stop light and it turned green for some reason the first car stopped. Second car stopped. But I did not see they had stopped. People ask me why did he stop when the light was green? We will never know because he drove away. This happened in February. This was my worst accident. I just got my car back about a month ago.

And now last night a man hit me in a church parking lot. You can see the car has a history of accidents. When I call my agent, the secretary just says. it's Marna again. They know me well.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Thing We Feared has Come to Happen-Egypt Legalizes Muslim Brotherhood

Remember during the Egyptian revolution many reported including Sean Hannity that the door would open for the Muslim Brotherhood. And the liberal left said, "you are prophets of doom, it won't happen."  But as Job said in Job3:25 "The thing I greatly feared is come upon me." Folks the thing we feared has come upon us. Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's oldest and largest organisation, has been legally recognized and is called the Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt. It's name is deceiving and a total lie. It is nothing about freedom and the justice is Islamic law or Shariah. While they say they support democratic principles, their main thrust and reason for being is wrapped in their famous slogan "Islam is the Solution."

While Mubarak was in power they were banned and held down by The National Democratic Party of President  Mubarak. When the movement started out it was to spread Islamic morals and good works, it soon became political in taking out the British colonial control and ALL WESTERN INFLUENCE.

Now Egypt has set them up for a run in the parliamentary election in September. Built upon a social welfare network, they won 20% of the Parliament in 2005. For this fall , they hope to have candidates in half of Egypt's districts. The only thing they had to do to qualify as a party is under new regulations open their doors to Muslims, Christians and women. The party has at this time 9,000 members.

So did the revolution help, or make a worse Egypt? With our lack of help, we left them in the hands of those who are not so democratic, and opened the door for the Muslim Brotherhood to flood in.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Randy and Me Last Segment Randall Neil Ritchie Dec.18,1953-June 6, 2009

Continuing on up the coastal road we finally came to the Red Wood Forest. And there Dad was right, a tree we could drive the car through. These gigantic trees are really unforgettable. We hit a little before Christmas and were told about the yule log that is lit up and goes over Yosemite Falls. We stayed here the longest time of all and camped in several places. I remember running and playing until late at night and then Dad would build a big fire. Somewhere there was a park with swings, and lots of trails. But most of all the amazing trees. I liked this area the most, because we were free to run and play. There weren't that many quests this time of year, but of course there are bears and one time when we came home they were going along the camp ground trying to find crumbs. They went away the minute they saw the car. But this was a signal to Mom and Dad we needed to move on. I remember crying when we left the big trees and watching them disappear  from the back window as we drove away. I can see this quite clear in my mind even today, I didn't want to leave.

There was talk in the car about going up into Canada, but they decided another time. We did do this several years later. We went up into Oregon and saw Crater Lake. I remember the water was very blue and Dad said the lake was very deep. We camped a short time and decided to come back into California. On our way back we hit a very bad stretch of road going up hill. They were working on paving this area. but some of it was still dirt roads. Randy and I were in the trailer sleeping, or trying to sleep. The trailer was slanted and you could hear Dad having some trouble with the road. It started raining very hard. I wanted our parents, this was a little scary. You could tell Dad was having a hard time making it up the steep slope. We hit something, a rut or whatever and all this stuff started falling on us. Our parents had stored items up above us. The door came open and everything started falling on us. Finally I had it and used the big flashlight Dad had given to make a signal. I was flashing it like crazy trying to get their attention. Dad came and we got in the car. They made a new rule, no more sleeping in the trailer while traveling.We drove all night and I remember waking up and my mother was upset. I was only eight, but I kind of realized the problem.

Dad had been driving a long time, trying to get us as close to L.A. as he could but we were still pretty far. Mom was wanting to stop because it was getting towards evening. Finally, Dad got out of the car mad. Dad did have a flash temper. Although he never harmed me with it. But it was scary at times. My mother turned to me and told me there was no money left. Dad had used it all up on the trip. Today was Randy's birthday and she wanted us to stop and eat. Even though I was pretty little, I understood pretty well what she was telling me and I was scared.

Dad returned, and had a little bag. I have told this story before. Dad opened the bag and inside were Hostess Twinkie cupcakes and some candles. Dad took the candles and stuck them in the cupcakes. We all laughed. We lit the candles and sang Happy Birthday to Randy. I always remember this birthday although Randy had many more and much nicer. And how Dad taught us you really don't have to have very much to have a birthday. He had also bought some cheap toys and Randy and I played with them until we stopped for the night.

The next few months we ended up living right along the ocean, where we could play in the ocean every day. Dad finally had to call my Grandmother and she sent us money to come back to Denver. She was furious when she found out I had been out of school for most of the year. She went and put me in school. But I was too far behind and had to take the year over the next year.

Dad is right, I remember this year of my childhood more than any other part and have had the memories of this trip in my heart and now finally get to share it with other's. Maybe it was right, maybe it was wrong, but I have learned as an adult, sometimes you have to throw fate to the wind and take off and do something you never dreamed you could do. I think that is what my Dad did, and I am glad for it.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Will Deadly E-Coli Come to America?

The threat is growing more serious that this could possibly come to America. Ten countries in the EU now have cases the most serious being Germany. 18 deaths and 1700 cases have now been diagnosed. They believe it is coming from raw tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. Many of the cases have developed kidney complications that can become deadly.

From  laboratory in Shenzgen said " the strain seems to be a combination of two E-Coli.  WHO told Associated Press. "the new strain has various characteristics that make it more virulent and toxin producing" than the many E-coli  strains people naturally carry in the intestines.

Russia extended a ban on vegetables and many in the EU  are following. Symptoms are aches and pains in the stomach, bloody stools, neurological symptoms, numbness in limbs. Only course of treatment are blood plasma transfusions and antibiotics.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Randy And Me and Sputnik Make Three Cont.

Coming out of Mexico we spent time in Arizona and New Mexico.  It was hot and we rode with the windows down. I had paper dolls cut out and sometimes they would blow out the windows. I sat on the right and Randy sat on the left. There was a dividing line and woe to him that crossed without permission. I also had a large comic book with the life of Teddy Roosevelt. I can still remember things about him to this day. We stopped pretty much anywhere we wanted in the camper and sometimes we stopped at camp grounds so I could swim. Dad bought me an Indian Doll with a beautiful beaded white dress. And don't tell anyone, but sometimes Randy and I would sleep in the camper while we were driving. Coming back to go into California we were stopped and told we had to get rid of any fruit coming into the state. We had bought a lot
of oranges and had to eat them before crossing. Dad headed for the coastal road that goes along the Pacific.

One of our first stops was Fisherman's Wharf. Here we had shrimp and other delicacies at a Chinese place. The table was full of food and we were sitting by the ocean. We continued up this road. It travels sometimes right on the ocean edge and sometimes a little way in. It also is sometimes even with the coast or rises hundreds of feet above. We were on our way to the Red Wood Forest. There was a camping area to the right of the road and my parents thought it looked good to stop. I was allowed to walk over the road to the other side. The cliffs went straight down, it was quite a sight. I came back and was helping with dinner when suddenly mother let out a ear piercing scream. She realized Randy was gone. The immediate reaction of the campers was to run across the road and look down. My heart was in my throat as I realized Randy could have gone over the edge. It was a long hard half hour or so, before he was found. The campers scoured the country side. Finally someone brought him to my mother. This was not the first time he had done this on the trip, but even my Dad was rattled. They bought one of those harness's that were popular at the time and unfortunately for Randy he had to be contained. That night everyone sitting around the fires talked of Sputnik coming around. We sat there a long time waiting for it to come into view. Some saw it. I think I saw it once. The next morning Dad bought a newspaper and read the story to me. I saw the picture of Sputnik. Man had entered space.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Randy and Me - Story's From Our Childhood

My brother Randy passed two years ago on June 6th. 2009.  Last year I told about what happened and how God took care of Randy and I during that time. Now I would like to share some parts of our childhood that were a little different from probably your childhood. But, I look at them as experiences that made us who and what we are inside. 

Our Dad, was unusual in some ways. He decided to take me out of school for one year and travel. He said I would learn more in that year than I would learn at school. It is true, I remember very vividly things that happened that year and I can't tell you my high school teacher's names. He sold two houses he had bought in La Mesa, California and decided we would travel. His first idea was he had seen a sail boat in the harbor and wanted to buy it. He was a seaman, he had been in the Navy. We went to see this boat. This was not a little boat. It was big. We went inside and saw the living quarters.  They were very nice and everyone would have their own sleeping quarters. The kitchen and front part were beautiful. Did I mention it was a very big boat. My parents came home, driving in the car my mother started getting funny about it and asked questions like, where are we going with this boat?? and why are we going with this boat?? the questions got worse like are you going to kill us in this boat?? It was not going well. Women are like that. They see another side of it. Dad, we will go places we have never seen before. Mom, yeah, if we get there in one piece. What about storms at sea?? Dad, no answer. Mom, what if something  happened to the children.?? Dad, no answer. Needless to say you can see the way it was going, we did not buy the boat. I was kind of glad because frankly, it was scary on the boat, it moved sideways and up and down. I wasn't happy about that either.

A few days latter, a camping trailer pulled up into the yard. It was a fairly nice trailer. It had a bathroom, kitchen and could sleep six, and it did not move up and down and sideways. I could handle this. I went into the house and brought my beautiful tea set from my aunt Kay and put it in the trailer. That was something that was definitely going. It took several days to pack up and Mom bought a lot of can goods and such. The refrigerator even had a freezer, so we filled that up. The reason we had so much food is we were going into Mexico first and we would not drink their water or eat their food. We had gone into Mexico on several day trips and had bad experiences. Actually, to this day that is what I do if I go there. It's instilled.

This is the first time we traveled further into Mexico. We followed the highway that went down the Pacific Ocean. Sometimes we could see the ocean and sometime we couldn't. Dad had at first thought of traveling all the way down Mexico, but had changed, or had his mind changed by my mother, I don't know which.
I remember after traveling for several days we finally stopped and stayed near the ocean. There was no one around us. Actually, Dad became a little nervous, because he realized we looked pretty rich compared to Mexico standards and stated worrying that we might be robbed or something. We stayed here for a while and I made friends with a little Mexican boy, but we could hardly say anything to each other. We didn't understand each other. but we had fun swimming in the ocean. I look back at how much freedom we had as kids compared to others. But I would play in or near the ocean all day long. I learned to get on a board or inner tube and come in on a wave. I didn't know you call it surfing. When I think about how I would go  into the high waves and swim back it makes me shutter even today. I would have never let my kids do that at my age. I was somewhere near eight.  I still enjoy swimming and try to swim different places, just so I can say I swam there.  I have driven my husband nuts over this.

We finally left there and stayed somewhere near a bay, I could not tell you the name of the bay. In the center of the bay was a platform, and of course the idea was to swim to the platform. I never thought about I was swimming in deep water. I still like to swim in deep water, if it is fairly clean. It really is amazing they let me do this day after day. The thing I remember most was one day there was something swimming in the water with me. It was large with two eyes, it was flat with two large flaps on each side. It did not harm me and swam with me quite a way. My Dad, did see it and started calling me to come in. I came in wondering what he was all upset about. He said it was a large sting ray and we left the next day. I really had no concept of this until one day a few years ago we went to Florida and saw one in a sea show. Then I realized what I had been near. They can sting you severely and even kill. 

We were done with Mexico and went on with the next leg of the journey.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Netanyahu to Obama-Let Me Tell You The Facts Of Life

Obama's message backfires on him. Netanyahu turns the meeting into a father-son discussion. It was sometimes tense and a lot of frustration as Netanyahu let Obama have it. "While Israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace, it cannot go back to 1967 lines." Netanyahu

Continuing " Remember that, before 1967, Israel was all of nine miles wide. It was half the length of the Washington Beltway."
"And these were not the boundaries of peace, they were the boundaries of repeated wars, because the attack of Israel so attractive." Netanyahu

Key to the settlement , if it ever happens, is the fate of Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees. Netanyahu said. Palestinians will not be allowed to settle in Israel in any peace plan. "It is not going to happen. Everyone knows it is not going to happen." And I think it is time to tell the Palestinians forthrightly it's not going to happen."

Netanyahu took over the discussion, with tenseness and frustration between them.

The President and Hillary broke all the rule books on this one with telling Netanyahu about the speech right before it happened. Netanyahu tried to get the 1967 boundary out of the speech before it was given creating quite a stir before it was given.

You could say diplomacy was down the drain, incurring the wrath and anger of Netanyahu. Obama could entitle this one how not to bring a visiting leader to America.

Netanyahu will address Congress Tuesday and will give, with further notifications I am sure, of what Israel will not do. Israel is a land that is blood stained and bought, no one is going to take it away from Israel

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Newt Racist Because Food Stamps Have Risen?

Is this going to be the new cry from the left? I  hope not. I hope we have all risen above this. Newt made a good reason why you should not vote for Obama in the election. It is the old cry are you better off now or before the last election. That is all Newt was referring to. In 2009, 33 million people were on food stamps and now 44.2 million people are on food stamps. In fact I read another article that nearly 47 million people are on food stamps. Clearly Newt was speaking to the fact people are no doing better now than two years ago.

 But other's including Chris Mathews jumped on the band wagon saying the remarks had a hint of racism in them. I had a similar experience with a neighbor when I was referring to some policies I didn't agree with the President was doing. She became angry and said I was racist, I didn't like his color. I made no reference to his color. In fact, I have some great black friends and I have a  love for black people. I thought it kind of funny in that she is on food stamps herself. I ended the conversation by asking her if she were better now than before the election and she had to admit she was in worse shape now.

That was all Newt was referring to. This is going to continue throughout the campaign I am afraid. I prefer we keep color out and deal with the issues. But I am afraid, it ain't gonna happen.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What Happened to Huck?

My journey into writing started after I met Mike Huckabee. There was a greeting to Mrs. Reagan on Ronald Reagan's birthday. Huck wanted us to write something to her. His site sent me to twitter. At the time I had no idea what I was doing. When I got on twitter I wrote a piece about Reagan, somewhere I have the piece, and tried to send it back to Huck's site. Something went wrong and, yes, I lost my tweet. I have to idea what happened to it. Frustrated I turned off my computer. Did I mention I did not know what I was doing? The  next morning I got back on my computer and went to twitter, and there was a message from Karl Rove. Somehow he found my tweet and said he would follow me. I think he does that for others also. I thought, well if he liked what I wrote maybe I could write. I started writing about Obama, because I was scared of him and what might happen, In fact, everyone was scared of him and what he might do to this country and we still are. I found a blog I had started about a year before for my website, connected to twitter. The website failed because I had a problem with Ebay. Anyway, the blog all started with Huck.

I don't know what Huck's future is. I don't know what my future is with the recent loss of my husband. The thing I do know that Huck is right about the things the left is putting out about him. I have even told friends of mine, if he runs they are going to shred him to pieces and they have already started on the stations in Chicago. No doubt he has heard them himself. I think probably given we know the truth about what happened with the policemen, it is more than likely he could survive. And there are other things we now know about him. But he does not want to find this out for himself. Being a husband and a father, it is only natural he wants to protect his family. And thus he has reached the conclusion, not to run. As probably any decent person would reach the same conclusion.

I have written before, politics in America have become disgusting, dirty, and you think it can't get any lower but it does. I also have written how can we be the light to the world for democracy and have such disgusting elections.  Our politics have become so bad that a decent man like Huck, who could have the presidency in the palm of his hands, refuses to run because it isn't worth what it would put him and his family through. This is where we are in America. If we are to survive we must clean up our politics because no decent person will run and put his or her family through it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mayor Daley's Corrupt Legacy

Why is there so much unhappiness about Mayor Daley, one who has achieved such great gains in and for the City of Chicago? Despite all the good things, there has always been this cloud of corruption that huddles around him. The amazing thing, so much bad could swirl around him and yet he was never involved?? Even his friends and family would fall into corruption, but he himself was never stained. He always acted like he was beyond belief this could happen under him. How could it happen, and he had no idea it was even happening.

The scandals and cronyism were right under his feet, he never knew any of it. How many press conferences we have sat through and he would declare his innocence. It was almost comical at times and yet it was quite serious.

One moment came in 2004 when Chicago Sun Times came out with the Hired Truck Scandal. It eventually came to 49 convictions, 31 of them Chicago Employees. The city had to eventually spend 12 million to compensate the victims of City Hall's rigged hiring system.

Another in 1997, the resignation of Ald. Patrick Huels, after his company had received $1.25 million from a trucking company magnat Micheal Tadin. Tadin had received a $1.1 million city subsidy to cover a 1 million IRS problem.

In 1999, members of Duff family-which had political ties to Daley and organized crime, the Chicago Tribune exposed they defrauded the city $100 million in contracts earmarked for minorities and women.

More to come the list is endless.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another Milestone - Mother's Day

Monday, the day after Mother's Day marks the 8th month since my husband's passing. You would think mother's day would not be that hard. But it is. Because he always remembered Mother's Day in regards to our family.

My husband was very proud and happy with the family God gave us. He would always say he couldn't believe the beautiful children we had and how wonderful they were.

On Mother's Day, which was always on a Sunday he would already be gone to church by the time I awoke. When I got up there would always be flowers and a card in view when I walked into the kitchen. Usually it was laid on the kitchen table. Sometimes there would be a note for a corsage to be worn for church being cooled in the refrigerator. Or sometimes the corsage would be sitting on the piano bench at church with a gift. The card always said something to the effect, to the mother of my children, and something about that God had brought us together. Then sometimes the message of what would happen in the day to celebrate.

All this didn't hit me until a little while ago, none of this will happen tomorrow. Yes there are plans for the children and I, and I don't know what I would do without those plans. But getting through the day will be hard. Those special remembrances will be missing. I told someone the other day, I love him more now, than when he was here.

The milestones keep coming, and one by one we get through them. Somehow we will get through our first year. But you can't remove the remembrances of these special days. They are with you forever.

Have a great Mother's Day, and if you still have one another, treasure that time together, because you never know just how long you have.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What Makes an Osama bin Laden?

Looking at the pictures of his house I was shocked by the views  inside the house. They build it up like, Wow, a million dollar house. I had to look at this. I saw the pictures in shock. Because inside the house it looked like poverty, like a man who owned very little. What happened to this man? What twisted his thinking to kill 3,000 Americans on 9-11?

He came from a wealthy family. A large family with strong family values. Yes, Muslims do believe in strong family units and they are instructed in the traditional man wife relationship. What turned him away from the life of hard work and family to death and destruction? I have been thinking about this since last night. It has been inside of me most of the day. What Happened?

In the end he has a house. a large  house, but what is that if you are a prisoner in that house. He could not enjoy a normal life. He was on the run. The pictures looked to me like a solitary life, a lonely life even disowned by his family after 9-11.  This twisted thought life had taken everything from him.

Why did he not surrender given the chance? Could it be possibly he wanted out. Could it be he wanted to be caught? In reality he had nothing. Nothing left even to live for. He had no life, no family, no hope.

What is this ideology that turns their life to destruction rather than creation? Can we stop this wave of ideology from getting to others. If so, it must come from their own. We can't reach them. What a wasted life and what despair. He was I believe of all men most miserable.

And it isn't much happier where he is now. There is a special place for someone so destructive of life,  and the world is much better without him.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Good Friday, Bad Friday For Obama

New poll from New york Times and CBS say Obama is leading the country in the wrong direction. 70% of Americans are not happy with the way things are going. To top it off over the weekend gas prices rose again as we see no relief at the pumps to come soon.

Many feel it is because of the indecision Obama has over the war in Libya. By lengthening the war, and not not going in with foot troops, only an air campaign, many feel it has made the war worse and last longer. Also it has left more time for the oil fields to be damaged. Now the fields are so damaged we see no quick end to getting oil prices lower sooner. We are scrambling to get our oil from other countries and that takes time too.

His indecisive nature has truly hurt us through this endeavour, much as he did during the oil spill.

The second battle looming is the debt ceiling, for which he wants to raise it. Republican say that isn't going to happen without spending reduction. This must reach some kind of conclusion in the near future.

When will it get better for us is the question?? How much higher will the gas go especially for us in Chicago as we have summer additives coming on us?? Probably making us one of the highest in the nation for the summer months. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

When You Make Your Base Unhappy You Are in Trouble

Liberals are concerned that the President will give Republicans the Medicare and Medicaid cuts in order to make them happy.  More and more Obama is trying to give the appearance he is moving to the center to reclaim the independent voters he has lost.  Dems are becoming more and more unhappy behind closed doors. With his slashing of funds for popular Dem programs and the controversial trade agreement with Columbia he has at times angered the left.

They also aren't happy with his decision in December to cut upper income taxes and entering the middle-east conflict without going to congress.

Re. Peter DeFazio {D-Ore} said the President should start acting like a democrat.

This strategy of moving to the center is only causing him to lose the left. Dems aren't happy with the $38.5 billion cut because of cuts to education and health. Even moveon.org is pressuring him on entitlements.

Behind the closed doors Dems are becoming unhappy with the way Obama has been disengaged with policy fights in recent months.

It's not good to lose your base.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Mad Conservative

I have to admit waking up Saturday morning and hearing the results of the budget I was to say the least MAD. I guess your could rename me the mad conservative.

After starting with 61 Billion tax cut the Dems whittled the Republicans to 38.5 Billion. They also gave into a Planned Parenthood rider allowing the largest provider of abortions to continue. Funding for Obamacare survived, while riders which included a ban on funding the Czars, aid to Saudi Arabia, and rescinding money on Obama's economic stimulus are still being debated. No riders on the EPA were included.

Here are the main facts.The overall budget is $3.8 trillion, with a deficit of 1.6 trillion, adding to the already$14 trillion deficit. The bare fact $3.8 Billion doesn't even pay for last weeks deficit.

Too little, too late, and barely a dent. and we are supposed to be happy. To say the least I am not a happycamper.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Stuck On Huck"

"Stuck on Huck" live call-in Internet radio Show tomorrow night Thursday April 7th.

Call in for the show 323-693-3319 8:00PM CST

Also visit landing page http:// Radio. Stuck on Huck.com

At that website anyone will be able to listen to the show live streaming on the Internet. Supporters can call in live and be part of the show also.

Three point plan for "Stuck on Huck"      PRAY for Governor Huckabee and his family during the time he makes a decision.         PLEDGE your vote and support by getting involved        Pass it on.

We encourage you to become a fan at the Facebook Fan Page http://stuck/ on huck. Just click on the "Like" button at the top of the page  and then you will start receiving updates on your facebook news feed.

The Path to Prosperity: America's two futures, visualized

Monday, March 28, 2011

Russia Still Unhappy With Coalition

Russia expressing again their unhappiness with the coalition forces in Libya. They are saying that an intervention in internal civil war is not sanctioned by the UN Security council. They are using the argument that circles around the British aircraft that have attacked Libyan ammunition bunkers in the southern desert saying that will deny the Libyans supplies that will hurt civilians. For some, that will look like a broad interpretation of the UN mandate. Russians also say there are limits to air power and coalition members are seeking ways to pressurise Libyan government forces.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pictures Of Our Trip To Colorado - July 2010 - Six Weeks Before He Passed

Lookout Mountain looking down on Golden, Colorado

I made him get this hat, he was not sure about it

Dr. Houghton and Dr. Meyer, one of my husbands professors at Denver Baptist Bible College

I don't remember why he did this, but I got a picture of it

The conference was at Glenn Erie Castle near Colorado Springs. He sang but I couldn't get a picture of him

He never knew I took this picture

People ask me why I left Colorado, I married this kid from Chicago

Wonderful time with friends at the Bible College Reunion

I loved the Castle

I Love Colorado

He made me get this fleece jacket, it was cold beleive it or not for July

Lake near Nederland where I lived as a kid

I miss him, I never would have dreamed this was our last trip.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Waves 33 Feet High Hit Coast of Northern Japan from Earthquake

Japan is experienced with earthquakes, but this is a big one. At 8.9 magnitude, it struck at night leaving people stuck at work because trains were suspended. Some stayed in their offices to sleep while others walked home throughout the night.

Eleven trains are still full of people who can't get off. One train they can't find. Off the coast of Sendai where quake hit hardest are raging fires. Helicopters are circling trying to help people. 300 bodies found on coastal shore, but when daylight appears many more will be found. 

In Ofunato 300 houses have been swept away into the sea. Two aftershocks have happened of 5.1 magnitude and many more will follow. It is the 6th largest quake ever registered since beginning of recording quakes. 50,000 US troops are in Japan and US is asked to help. President Obama will give a message later today.

Our hearts and prayers for the people of Japan.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

More NPR's Schiller Quotes

Schiller says in video he is very proud how NPR fired Juan Williams

Schiller said  "the current Republican Party, particularly the tea party, is fanatically involved in people's personal lives and very fundamentally Christian - I wouldn't even call it Christian. It's this weird evangelical kind of move."

Schiller said "that tea party people aren't just Islamophobic, but really xenophobic. I mean basically they are, they believe in sort of white middle American gun-toting. I mean, it's scary. They're seriously racist, racist people.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Walking by faith

Tonight I was at the grocery store and a woman who works there has become a friend of mine. I was in the new line where you check out yourself. Which, by the way, I love. You don't have to wait for price checks or anything. She was standing there talking to me and my tomatoes came up to five dollars. I was shocked. Prices have risen sharply the last few months. And it seems that I am getting gas continually. I really have to think more about my trips and what I am doing. Trying to work it out so I don't make extra trips. In Chicago we have one of the highest gas prices in the country. And in a month or so they will add summer additives. We are one of only five states who have this. So we will be paying highest prices by summer. My friend at the store said the government has to do something. I agree and most of the decisions the government has made lately have made our lives worse.

I am glad for my faith in God that he knows these problems and he will help to supply my needs. Sometimes we have to just sit back and say I don't know how we are going to get through this. But God will make a way. I know it sounds polyanish. but walking by faith is much better than worry and fear. I am glad for a spiritual husband who always talked about walking by faith. Now that he is gone I hear his words so much stronger. Plus I have tapes to listen to that not only do I get to hear his voice, but still his guidance in my life.

It is not easy to walk by faith, but it is much harder to try to work it out yourself. God will lead you through these hard times if you let him. The key is to pray and let him lead. He will not forsake his own.Trust him to guide you through these hard times.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

President Failing Leadership Towards Lybia

The President is missing a great opportunity to show leadership by not supporting these Libyans who want freedom. We have the means to go in there and stop this blood shed. These sanctions only hurt the Libyans more. Not only that if the gas prices go higher he will injure us and the entire world. It would be better to go in there and remove him from power. How many more Libyans are going to give their lives? And if Gaddafi gets control there will be a massacre of people who have fought in this battle. Literally, you could say the blood is on Obama's hands everyday he waits to make a decision which looks like right now nothing is going to happen.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The United Notions

Years ago we had an old evangelist who came to our church once a year. You would think one so old would not be up on end times. But this man knew bible prophecy and especially the subject of Israel and coming events. His entire sermon was usually on the middle east. He used to say, keep your eyes on the middle east. That's were all the action will be. How true he was as almost everyday we see countries from the middle east on television. It would be interesting to hear him now, but he has gone on before. We could use his wisdom and judgement.

I am sure Obama is listening to all of his advisers. but after the advisers are done, every president sits there alone with the decision that has to be made. He has a hard decision right now. Everyday we see the turmoil in Libya and other countries around it. How much more we can watch of this blood shed I don't know. I only know innocent people are dying on the streets.

It's easy to go to the UN. But the UN doesn't always have the answer as President  Bush faced. Of course it was controversial. But he came to the conclusion all the sanctions and other deterrents didn't make much difference to the enemy.

Brother Elby as we called him,  he would say the United Nations has a notion. They have a notion to do something but that is as far as it gets. So he called the United Nations the United Notions.

In the case of Libya, allowing them to go back under Gadafi would be dangerous and life threatening. Just to put sanctions on them would only harm the ones who want freedom. If the President takes this choice, which he probably will, it will leave the Libyans in worse situation than before the revolt.

Because he will have a notion to do something, but doesn't really do it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When Will They Ever Learn? When Will They Ever Learn?

People are like sheep, Jesus said, and sheep get easily led astray. And the sheep are following a new shepherd, Rahm Emanuel. They are ecstatic on the streets of Chicago today and singing the praises of Ralm. I on the otherhand believe that the people of Obama's back yard have suffered the most under his Presidency. And yet they are still blindly thinking that he is helping them.

There are those of us however with our eyes open and see the problems he has created and many worsened by his administration. There is only one conclusion Rahm will come to, he must raise taxes to fix the problem's. The people will suffer more and have less out of pocket monies to spend.

Our gas in Chicago is one of the highest in the nation and city tax is highest in the country. Our infrastructure is a shambles, our streets are nothing but potholes since the hard winter. We don't have enough police on the streets. And yet our aldermen receive a large salary for a part time job. The unions control the city and Rahm is in the middle of their palm.

All Democrats really know to do is tax and spend. It really is as simple as that. They know nothing else. Chicago is in for a rough ride and I am in the middle of it.

When will they ever learn?

Monday, February 14, 2011

He Brought Me Yellow Baby Roses..

This is my first Valentines Day without my husband. Another milestone. As much as you try not to let it bother you, it does.  I went to thee Dr's today because last Wednesday I had a car accident.   My neck is very sore. The Dr. doesn't think anything is broken, but the muscles are inflamed and swollen. Some of it is whip lash and some of it is fibromyalgia. Coming home I had to go to the pharmacy which is in the grocery store. I was doing OK until I saw the men buying flowers. I just wanted to get out of the store. When I arrived home my daughter had brought me flowers. One of the bouquets is of baby roses. Some are pink, but a few are yellow baby roses. A mistake? I don't think so. On our first date my husband brought me yellow baby roses. I have never told this to my children.

Just recently I found pictures of our first date. So many things I forget, but not our first date. I was tired of high school boys. My youth director asked if I would like to go to a formal banquet at the Bible College. It sounded interesting to me, so I said yes.  He would find me a date, a blind date. Actually, he had someone in mind.

I didn't have much money as I had left home at 16. I lived with my Pastor, his wife, and family. Someone in the church had a beautiful yellow formal dress. I tried it on. It fit perfectly. My youth director asked this young man and he said, yes. The youth director came to me and said the young man wanted to know the color of my dress.

The day drew near and I thought, what a dumb thing to do, go on a blind date. I thought I really should back out. My youth director was alarmed and said he thought I really would like this man. I finally decided to see it through.

They came to the house and entered our living room and we were introduced. Much later, my husband said he was quite taken by me. He said I was too beautiful for him. This did not show on his face that night. In his hand was a corsage of yellow baby roses. It was the kind of corsage you could wear on your wrist or on your dress. I do not remember how I wore it. After all this was 43 years ago. We went to the Harvest Festival and we talked the entire night through. He was a ministerial student. I really didn't think much about this. Later, after we entered the ministry I realized we should have thought more about this.

After this we had many more dates and more baby roses, always yellow. He also brought me funny cards. These were very popular in the sixties. I still have many of those cards he brought to me on dates.

I looked at the baby roses my daughter brought me. I have never told my children about the yellow roses that Dad had brought me on special dates. In fact, I look back and there are many things I haven't shared with them.

But,  I will always remember the yellow roses. God Bless, my husband and wait for me. Happy Valentines Day

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Obama Once Again Fails 3:00 AM Call

Remember during the election of  2008 the question of who would respond best in the case of a 3:00AM call? Once again Obama got the call and once again he fails. In the past 18 days one of the biggest calls for freedom erupted amongst the people of Egypt. Did it just happen? No there were warning signs that the people were not happy. Social networking helped in the mix as younger Egyptians, many out of work, finally made the call to revolt.

But the way the Obama administration handled the situation was not only poor, it aggravated the people and increased more anger. The bungling started with Vice President Biden not even calling Mubarak a dictator, and continued as Obama reached the point were he makes an open call for Mubarak to step down. All of this should have been handled behind the scenes. When Obama did this it angered the people and made them feel like America was against them. Not only did it upset the Egyptians but the entire middle-east now feels that we will abandon them also.  The countries now say if you were Egypt's friend and you turned against them you will do the same to us. America has lost the trust of these counties. They feel America is no longer their friend and Israel feels they have no friends at all. They feel alone.

Not only did Obama fail the call he damaged what previous administrations have spent years building. Whoever our next President is it is going to take time to rebuild  our relations with these countries, as they go behind Obama and try to pick up the pieces.

Obama fails again.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Flashy Smile - Obama

One of the things I dislike the most is the President's flashy smile. He used it on Sunday through much of his interview with Bill O'Reilly. You say, "Oh now they are even criticizing the way he smiles". I look at it not as a smile but more of a I gotcha fooled smile. Because behind that smile he's mind is running as to whether this is a catch question or not. Most of the questions were forth right and, not to through a monkey wrench in, so O'Reilly could get as many questions answered as possible. Obama has a way of taking a question and running with it to use up the time. But behind that smile is a lot of deceit and lies. O'Reilly did ask him point blank if he believed in redistribution. "NO", he said.  On this question Obama downright lied.  Once again the flashy smile. Repeatedly he has tried to get through programs to redistribute the monies, making everything fair. My mother used to say life is not fair Marna, if someone down the block gets a new house doesn't mean you will.

O'Reilly asked him another point blank question about health care if it were taken down and failed. Obama only said he would be OK if he got previous condition in. I doubt that is the only thing he is concerned about in health care, and once again the flashy smile.

Then the big question of the day O'Reilly asked about the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama refused to admit they are a dangerous terrorist movement. How could he when for the last two years he has been trying to convince them they are not our enemy.  We know he has two sides, the one he presents to us and the one working behind the scenes. He is daily dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood as the chaos continues in Egypt.

Although O'Reilly did ask him some pretty hard questions he gives the impression of softpeddaling him. Perhaps he feels this is the best way to get the most out of Obama.  I do get a  little frustrated with him that he doesn't just lay into him. After all the man has almost demolished our economy and leaving a big mess to his predecessor. Not to mention us paying for all of it.

The flashy smile doesn't fool me anymore.